Food Festival in twelve restaurants Cervera
Cervera repeats, For the fourth consecutive year, initiative "Food Festival" with the participation of twelve restaurants, between days 1 i 10 February offer traditional dishes of the region such as cod and drowned catxipanda Segarra ....
On sale tickets for The Passion Medieval
Friday 1 February begins the sale of tickets to attend the Medieval Passion of Cervera, which will be performed on Saturday 6 d'abril, them 19 hours, the church of Santa Maria ....
Cervera, the program “InfoK” Channel Super3
Students of 1st ESO Antoni Torroja institute offered a guided tour of the main monuments of young viewers'"InfoK", the news program of Channel Super3, Monday 28 January. The program "InfoK" visited the main ...
Debut Trio parentheses Cervera
Sunday 27 January Christmas Concert season continues winter, organized by the Association of Friends of Music of Cervera, with the debut of the Trio parenthesis, a la Sala Bach del ...
Are now on sale tickets for the concert maestro Jordi Savall at the Auditorium of the University of Cervera
The organization "Cervera Capital of Catalan Culture 2019" put on sale tickets for the concert that violagambista, conductor and early music specialist, Jordi Savall, on offer 3 February, them 19 hours, the Auditorium of the ...
exhibition “Great little treasures Archive”
The Regional Archives Segarra adds programming "Cervera capital of Catalan culture" to publicize their "joys" documentaries. The history file, to everyone Exposure 'great treasures Small file' is part of the ...
The premiere of the show MEM woman start of the proceedings “Cervera Capital of Catalan Culture 2019”
Cervera opened the proceedings of the Catalan Capital of Culture 2019 the show MEM, it was a public success, over 1.700 spectators in the Grand Theater of the Passion. About 200 activities in the Catalan Capital of Culture becomes Cervera,...
21è Cycle Theater Apassiona't Cervera 2019
Acoustic concert Manolo García Cervera
Thursday 17 January go on sale tickets for the concert Manolo García, which will be the Grand Theater of the Passion of Cervera Saturday 8 June. After traveling around Spain in 2018 presenting their latest album, "Geometry of Lightning",...