
Cervera will honor prominent figures of culture

The cultural week Isagoge, prelude to the Festival, will be dedicated this year to remember the poet Jaime Ferran Camps (1928-2006), photographers Claudio Gomez Grau (1907-1989) and Frederic Gómez Grau (1920-2013), and historian and translator Marie Grau Aymà ...

Armand has a popular book Forcat tourism and Segarra Cervera

The president of the Association of Interpreters Heritage Cervera, tour guide Armand Forcat, presented his book "159 questions, hundred and fifty-nine replies ", in a public ceremony filled the Municipal Auditorium on Saturday 7 September. Everything is ready for the 12th edition of the Easter Festival.

Cervera has Isagoge and Festival 2019

Tuesday 3 September has presented the program of the week Isagoge and cultural festival, that the 12 al 23 September will fill the city of cultural and festive activities. the presentation, which took place in the church of San Juan, was given ...

Tarot, fire and music, protagonists of the Aquelarre 2019

The Aquelarre Cervera celebrate the 42nd edition with a perfect combination of tradition and modernity that will unite the magical world of tarot, fire and festive music. The spectacular main event will be played the male bastard again Alea Theater, direction ...

“panoramic Night” the second night visit Cervera

more 200 people gathered to attend the second visit on Tuesday night Cervera. This time the visit called "panoramic Night" consisted of a walk to the Forks from where you could enjoy wonderful views ...