Success of the theatrical visit to the old town of Cervera
The Department of Tourism organized, within the programming of the Isagoge, a new edition of the visit interpreted “Walls, wizards and alleys: discover every nook and cranny ”, Sunday 20 September, que fou un èxit amb l’assistència d’una vintena de...
Very positive assessment of the 1st edition of the "Festiuada"
Councilors in the Economic Promotion Area, Tourism, Culture and Festivals, Mercè Carulla and Mireia Brandon, take stock of two months of activities in Cervera in the framework of the "Festive". "It simply came to our notice then 12 September, we ended the first edition..
The Cervera Museum presents the exhibition "Confin-Art"
The chief paer, Joan Santacana; Councilwoman of Culture, Mercè Carulla; and the director of the Museum, Carmen Bergés, have presented to the media the exhibition “Confin-Art, landscapes of confinement ”, a diverse sample of up to 21 local artists who reflect on ...
The Medieval Passion of Cervera presents the infernal satire "The Gate of Good Intentions"
After the difficult but inevitable decision to suspend the Medieval Passion 2020, the association plans to carry out different activities in the coming months related to the Medieval Passion, such as exhibitions, talks and small plays. L’any 2019 it is...
Cervera maintains the Isagoge cultural week and the Festa Major
The chief paer, Joan Santacana; Councilwoman of Culture, Mercè Carulla; and the Councilor for Festivities, Mireia Brandon, they have presented the programming of the 44th Isagoge and the Festa Major, in an act in the old church of San Juan, Monday 7 September. Both of you...
Tickets for the Theater Cycle are on sale 2020-2021
The 23rd Apassiona’t de Cervera Theater Series, organized by the Department of Culture of the Paeria, presents seven high-level national and local productions, between September of 2020 and May 2021, the Grand Theater of the Passion.
La Segarra, protagonist of the tourist magazine “Ara Lleida”
The magazine of the Patronat de Turisme of the Diputació de Lleida reaches its number 50, with a publication that dedicates an extensive report to the region of the Segarra. With the title “Romans, Witches and Castles ”, the report takes a tour of the main attractions..
Cervera resumes the activities of the Festival
The Paeria Government Team lifts the suspension of cultural activities, of performing arts and music planned for the Festival, which resume on Wednesday 2 September with the parade "El Petit Circ" by the company Fadunito. Festive activities..
The 10th Easter Festival is gearing Cervera
Cervera is preparing intensely tenth edition of the traditional Easter Festival, an event dedicated to classical music performers and music Catalan Catalan, which will be the 2 al 12 d'abril. This year, The culminating event of 10 years, there will be...