Mendelssohn's octet will open the Autumn Concert Series in Cervera
An emblematic work of chamber music will open the XXXIII Cycle of autumn concerts in Cervera, Sunday 18 October, them 19 hours, in the Auditorium of the University of Cervera. The Teixidor quartets (formed by Irantzu Zuasti and Joan Marsol, violins;...
“Cervera Vila del Llibre” the year·the edition 2020
As a preventive measure against the current health scenario caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the literary festival of the Western Lands, "Cervera Vila del Llibre 2020", cancel·its celebration, prevista inicialment per aquest mes d'octubre. La Paeria de...
Cervera postpones Covid-19 prevention activities
The Paeria de Cervera has decided to postpone the activities scheduled this weekend, between days 10 i 12 October, as a preventive measure against the increase in positive cases of Covid-19 that have been registered in recent days in Cervera. Les activitats que...
The Paeria de Cervera reschedules the Easter Festival
The 10th edition of the Easter Festival of Catalan classical music, which was to take place in April, will be made of 14 al 22 November. The Paeria de Cervera has decided to reschedule this year’s Easter Festival, which was initially scheduled to take place in early April,...
"Buy and win" campaign in 31 shops in Cervera
The campaign to support small businesses and territorial promotion "Buy and earn", organized by the Network of neighborhoods with projects, of which the Paeria de Cervera is part, s’ha traslladat aquest any a l’octubre i s’ha ampliat als comerços de tots els barris de la...
Inaugural concert of the new academic year of the Conservatory
After months without live music due to confinement, which postponed some concerts of the Spring Cycle, Sunday 4 d'octubre arriba el concert inaugural del curs 2020-2021 of the Professional Conservatory of Music of Cervera. El concert és a...
Cervera, ready to celebrate the Festa Major
Friday 25 on Monday 28 September, Cervera celebrates the Festa Major, which has scheduled close to 30 activities, in which the capacity control and the sanitary measures of prevention of the Covid-19 are always guaranteed. La festa comença amb el tradicional pregó...