Regional agenda 2nd fortnight of June
Agenda second fortnight of June
Conference “Two women and a fight: Simone de Beauvoir and Hermínia Grau i Aymà”
By Laia de Ahumada, philologist expert in female correspondence Limited capacity. Book a place..
Conference “The War of the Reapers in the Segarra: the chronicle of Magí Sivillà”
The Espitllera Forum of Segarrencs Studies and the Cervera Museum invite you to the conference "The War of the Reapers in the Segarra: the chronicle of Magí Sivillà", by Guillem Carreras Albareda Limited capacity. Prior reservation required..
Concert “A music lesson at the Old Library”
Baroque Sparks Festival Link to the sale ...
Popular culture returns to the streets in Cervera
The elements of popular and traditional culture of Cervera have returned to the streets this weekend, after more than a year, on the occasion of the Festa de la Colla del Ball de Diables de Cervera and the Corpus Christi festival. MONDAY 07 JUNE 2021 Both parties are ...
Cervera trade participates in the "Buy and discover Catalonia" campaign
This June buying at the local Cervera store can be rewarded: a tourist experience to discover one of the others 31 populations of the country that have also joined the “Buy and discover Catalonia” initiative. FRIDAY 04 JUNE 2021 To qualify for ...
Cervera, one of the outstanding cities of the route in BTT by the Ignatian Way
Tuesday 18 In May, the documentary “Ignasiana BTT, the pilgrim’s adventure ”, in an act attended by the paer in chief, Joan Santacana, and the Councilor for Tourism, Culture and Economic Promotion, Mercè Carulla, since Cervera is one of the ...
Turisme de Cervera received the winners in the "Buy and win" campaign
Last weekend, the people who won awards from the Neighborhood Network visited Cervera, in the “Buy and Earn” campaign of the year 2020. The meeting began at the tourist office, where the Councilor for Economic Promotion and Tourism, Mercè Carulla, they will ...
International Museum Day
The Museum Festival arrives! One more year from the Museum of Cervera we celebrate it and we propose a series of activities that you will find detailed in the attached poster.