
Cervera adapts the Festa Major to the health situation

Of the 5 al 7 February is the Winter Festival in Cervera, that has had to limit its programming due to current restrictions for the prevention of the Covid-19. Some of the activities have had to be suspended, com el Seguici tradicional o el...

Cervera restores the baroque chapels of the convent of Sant Domènec

This week, work has begun on rehabilitating the interior spaces of the chapels of Sant Tomàs and El Roser, in the church of Sant Domènec de Cervera, which are conditioned to accommodate cultural uses. Els treballs els executa l’empresa local Construccions...

Concert by the Orquestra de la Catalunya Interior in Cervera

Sunday 17 January, them 19 hours, the Auditorium of the University, tindrà lloc un concert de l’Orquestra de la Catalunya Interior amb el títol “Tenim Corda!”. El concert combinarà obres de compositors clàssics amb peces d’autors catalans. Un concert d’orquestra de...

Cervera incorporates a civility agent

The Paeria de Cervera has, from the day 2 December, of a civic agent, doing information tasks, awareness and promotion of civic attitudes for the prevention of Covid-19 in the municipality.

Concert of the Autumn Jazz Festival in Cervera

Cervera resumes cultural activities with the public on Friday 4 December, with a jazz concert, at the Municipal Auditorium, by Perico Sambeat Quintet. El concert és una proposta que arriba a Cervera dins de la programació oficial del prestigiós Jazz...