
The Paeria activates the domain

The Department of Digital Policies has recovered the management of the domain and has activated it in order to homogenize all the public portals in the municipality, reduce costs and optimize their management. FRIDAY 08 OCTOBER 2021 Since the creation of the ...

Cervera successfully closes the Festa Major

Friday 24 on Monday 27 of September Cervera has lived the Festa Major, which has presented activities for all audiences and in various spaces, in order to decongest the central area and avoid congestion due to the pandemic. TUESDAY 28 SEPTEMBER ...

Cervera, ready to celebrate the Festa Major

Friday 24 September closes the Isagoge cultural week and the Festa Major begins, that is celebrated from 24 al 27 September, with a program that includes activities for all audiences and in various spaces, always guaranteeing restrictions and measures..

Very positive assessment of the Mobility Week in Cervera

The Paeria de Cervera joined the European Mobility Week and coordinated a program of activities, between days 13 i 22 September, with the help·collaboration of the CAP and local sports organizations such as the Segarra Hiking Center, la Penya ...

Mascle Cabró returns to star in Aquelarre

The Male Goat, after a year without leaving, has returned to star in the Aquelarre. He has been invoked by the Aquelarre organizations in Cervera, with the participation of 140 people, coordinated and directed by @greppteatre. The party, which was held in the square of ...