The Revetlla de la Biblioteca opens the Cultural Week of Sant Jordi
The literary and musical show "Les Bertranettes", which claims the figure of the writer and cellist·list Aurora Bertrana, gave the start to the activities organized in Cervera, of the 18 al 23 d'abril, on the occasion of the cultural week of Sant...
The Ball of Devils of Cervera – Carranquers organizes a party of the years 80-90
The party, which is part of the events to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Tarasca and the 20th anniversary of Colla Infantil, is Saturday 22 d'abril, in the Cervera multipurpose pavilion, of the 12 from night to 6 of the morning, by DJ JM Sánchez and DJ Mamomo. The Ball of...
La Paeria de Cervera renews the information boards of the industrial estate
The Department of Economic Promotion has improved the signage of the industrial estate, where in two informative panels has col·located a directory of the companies that are installed there·sides and a map with their location. The new informative signage has been put up·located in...
The bishop of Solsona and the general director of Popular Culture attend the Passion of Cervera
At the performance on Saturday 1 in April, the bishop of Solsona attended, Francesc Conesa and Ferrer, and other authorities such as the General Director of Popular Culture and Cultural Associations, Adelaida Moya, and the director of the Territorial Services of Culture in...
The Cervera Museum presents the remodeling project for the ground floor of Casa Duran i Sanpere
The general director of Cultural Heritage, Sonia Hernández; the head of the Museum Service, Sonia Blasco; and the director of the Territorial Services of Culture in Lleida, Albert Turull, they attended the presentation of this project and the Wheat Museum, in an act that goes...
The Easter Festival will feature several premieres and unpublished works
The 13th edition of the Easter Festival will be accompanied by many premieres and the recovery of almost unreleased or rarely heard pieces. This way, the contest highlights the legacy of Catalan classical music and expands the view on pieces that are not....
Cervera reopens the Wheat Museum
The Minister for Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda, Teresa Jordan, has inaugurated, Wednesday 29 March, the new museum equipment, which is located in the Old Flour Mill of the Agricultural Union of Cervera. The inaugural event also had the interventions of...
Cervera will create a Culture Sectoral Council and draw up a Strategic Plan
The Cervera Sectoral Culture Council, which will be established based on the Paeria Citizen Participation Regulations, foresees the establishment of the Local Heritage Board, that planted the first seed among all the people and entities that participated in the...
All ready for a new edition of the Easter Festival
Cervera already has the different spaces and equipment ready to accommodate, of the 30 March 8 d'abril, the 13th edition of the Easter Festival, Everything is ready for the 12th edition of the Easter Festival. The first week of musical activity will begin, Thursday 30 March, with the...