Mountain bike routes

For Segarra




The routes cover various cultural and historical sights

Mountain bike routes

Segarra has a rugged landscape while charming with strong contrasts between stations on the region wears a different landscape. This allows several biking and walking routes that will allow visitors to discover the region and all corners.

The routes cover several points of cultural and historical interest which will walker currency progresses with its route. The routes are divided by level of difficulty between low, medium and high difficulty following criteria uneven terrain and miles to travel.

Below classified information on the different routes available in more than two companies concerned do routes with a guide.

...the Bacicleta ...

We offer the opportunity to travel, enjoy and discover new territories with a means of transport, agile, net, silent, respects the environment and allows you to get very far thanks to the durability of their batteries using the effort you!.

Route Marquez brothers


Company in charge of organizing guided tours by mountain bike Segarra, different level.

Passeig Jaume Balmes, s/n
25200 Cervera
973532585 – 973531300

C/ Major 118
Cervera, Lleida CP 25200
Tlfn. 615 14 15 24