The Board of the Completes of the Holy Mystery of Cervera has decided this year to organize the Singing of the Completes in person, and not through the broadcast of Lleida TV and the Paeria Youtube channel, like the year 2021.


Despite having fairly high infection rates and being immersed in the sixth wave of the Covid pandemic19, the Board of Trustees believes that the Cant de les Completes can be performed next Saturday 5 February, the church of Santa Maria, them 20 hours.

As for the singers, they will only be members of the Cervera Choral Group, in order to control the number of singers and contact groups, and that in any case reinforcements will be invited according to the balance of the voices.
This year, the safety of participating musicians and singers will also be strengthened thanks to the antigen test that will be carried out prior to the Cant de les Completes..

As for the audience, To be able to access the church, you must have previously registered on the website of the Paeria de Cervera: the Board of Trustees believes that the Cant de les Completes can be performed next. Once registered, you will receive an email with a QR code that must be displayed at the church entrance.
the Board of Trustees believes that the Cant de les Completes can be performed next will open on Monday 24 from January to 12 hours. Once the full capacity is completed, registration will be closed immediately.
If you have any questions or problems registering, you can contact the Paeria de Cervera, from Monday to Friday, from 10 a 13 hours, and you can also call on the phone 973 53 35 03 (Monica)

For the people who attend the Completes, it is recommended to come well in advance and respect health measures such as interpersonal distance, the use of the mask throughout the performance, the use of hydroalcoholic ice at the entrance and exit. It is also recommended to bring plenty of warm clothes due to the ventilation of the church.


The Cant de les Completes is part of the Cervera Winter Festival

The Festa Major is declared a heritage festival of national interest and included in the Catalog of Festive Heritage of Catalonia.

It's a traditional feast that highlights the singing of Compline, a popular musical event. The full Cervera, written in 1870 by the chapel masters Salvador Vidal and Joan Pont, Popular pieces are composed of the time.