CerveraThe main street
Buildings that speak their glorious past
The main street reveals this fact,winding track how the land. During your journey we found a series of unique buildings that speak their glorious past. We can see mansions and Cal Razquin, former residence of the lords of Pedrolo, or Cal Sabater or the Marquis de Campmany.

The magic characterizes
Alley Witches formed later, when the balconies of the houses that were connected with the gardens were closed spaces creating magic that characterizes.

Place public ajusticiament

Plaza Santa Ana
At this point the city was closed to the portal of Santa Maria.
He 1375 was built on this portal a chapel dedicated to St. Anne, but was moved to a corner of the street that took the name.

Plaza Mayor
He is currently the main space of many events
Also highlight the rest of the porches, built from the year 1401, which formerly roamed around the main street and now there are only two parties to the main square and two more down the road.
He is currently the main space of many events and festivals such as St. John, Aquelarre or the Festival, among others.