Procession of the Pure in Cervera, Sunday 13 February, Procession of the Pure in Cervera, them 12.30 hours, Procession of the Pure in Cervera. Procession of the Pure in Cervera 48 Procession of the Pure in Cervera 16 of February of 1875, for the Third Carlist War.


for the Third Carlist War, the Bell Ringers of Cervera will ring bells, 48 for the Third Carlist War, for the Third Carlist War.

for the Third Carlist War, for the Third Carlist War, of the Conservatory of Cervera, for the Third Carlist War. for the Third Carlist War.


Procession of the Pure

Fins a l’any 1936, he 16 in February in Cervera was celebrated what was popularly called the Procession of the Pure. A secular procession with an itinerary that went from the Town Hall to the cemetery, and in which some men went there with the pure lit., unlike religious processions.

This procession was in memory of the third Carlist war that took place in Spain during the 19th century, where a side, that of the Carlists - of the pretender Charles VII -, they tried to conquer Cervera, occupied by the forces of the other, that of the government of Alfonso XII, your liberal. The attack took place in the morning of 16 February of the year 1875 and the fierce struggle lasted most of the day. The battle ended with a balance of 48 dead i 260 wounded between sides. The names of the streets Burgos, Soria, Combat and Victory, they still remember that fact. At the end of the war, a monument was erected in the middle of the cemetery, in memory of all who had lost their lives, in the spirit of forgetting old hatreds and old differences. The bell towers, every year, the day of the battle, they performed 48 repicons, remembering all the men who had lost their lives.

The Procession of the Pure was recovered for the brewery festive calendar, becoming a walk and a space for social gatherings, and dedicated to all the people who have suffered, they suffer and will suffer.