
The Easter Festival of Cervera will celebrate the 15th anniversary

The contest dedicated to Catalan classical music announces the dates of this edition. Of the 10 al 19 d'April 2025 Cervera will celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Festival referring to Catalonia. Jordi Armengol will repeat this year to artistic direction and, soon, es presentarà...

The Cervera Winter Festival in schools: tradition, Culture I Party

Of the 3 al 5 February, The students of the three schools of Cervera have worked the festival of the Blessed Mystery based on a pedagogical proposal that is included in a transversal educational project. The main objective of the project is to bring popular culture to,...

Cervera will host the 51st meeting "We play singing"

The New Cervera Children's Choir will be the organizer of the 51st meeting "We play singing", Activity that will host in Cervera next Sunday 27 of April the smallest singers of the different choral entities of the Terres de Ponent that are part of the secretariat of ...

The accordion concert fills the Auditorium of Cervera

The Municipal Auditorium was filled with gum, Saturday 25 January, To live a musical evening starring the students of the Andorra Music Institute and the Conservatory of Cervera. The event, Organized and directed by accordion teachers Elisa ...

Cervera, protagonist in the gala of the XVII Gaudí Awards

The Great Night of Catalan Cinema, A ceremony broadcast live on TV3 on Saturday 18 January, included a connection with the city of Cervera to announce the special public prize for the best·movie of the year. The announcement was a gag, recorded in false direct, in...

Turisme Cervera boosts its digital presence

The Tourism Board is carrying out a campaign to modernize the content on social networks, that in December already achieved a significant improvement in the performance of his Instagram profile: @turismecervera. Between the months of November and....