
Aria Brass Ensemble will open the XLVI SPRING CYCLE OF CONCERTS

The set formed by Bernat Clota, Nicola Barreca I Miquel Camps, trumpet; David Arnau, trunk; Pau Carbonell, trombone; Òscar Barqué, tuba; and Xesco Grau, drums, will act on Sunday 23 March, them 19 hours, at the Municipal Auditorium. They will open the XLVI Cycle of Concerts ...

All set for a new edition of La Passion de Cervera

The representations, they start on Sunday 16 March, They present several new features, among which a totally renewed scenario. The first function is the only morning (from 10 a 13.30 hours) of the whole season. The rest of the appointments with the passion of Cervera (All of ...

Cervera, Protagonist in the program "de street" of TVE Catalunya

The documentary series, presented per David Fernández I Nerea San Félix, Dedicates one of the chapters to the main street of Cervera. Was issued on Sunday 9 March March and now you can see RTVE Play Catalonia. The program can be found at this link. "Street", within the..