The Generalitat of Catalonia, through the Support Office for Cultural Initiative (OSIC), He has granted the Paeria de Cervera the following grants in the field of cultural heritage:

Subvenció per l’execució d’obres de conservació i manteniment d’immobles de notable valor cultural amb un import de 100.000,00 euros, per a les accions Conservation and maintenance of a section of the wall of Cervera in the area of ​​La Barbacana.

Subsidiary for the execution of restoration and consolidation of real estate of considerable cultural value, with an amount of 194.888,00 euros, per a les accions Rehabilitation and structural consolidation covered and facades of the building on the main street, 13-15 (BCIL) For Civic and Administrative Center 1st Phase.

Subsidy for the execution of restoration and consolidation of real estate of remarkable cultural value, with an amount of 186.994,99 euros, per a les accions Reinforcement of ceilings and creation of the interior at the house of the Generalitat de Catalunya-Carrer Major 79 (old music school).

Subsidy for the execution of conservation or maintenance of real estate of remarkable cultural value, with an amount of 100.000,00 euros, per a les accions Execution of works for conservation and maintenance work in the Farinera building of the Agricultural Union of Cervera.

Subsidiary Writing projects of cultural facilities of municipal ownership, with an amount of 11.579,70 euros, per a les accions Basic project of rehabilitation execution of the Duran i Sanpere Museum in Cervera.

Subsidy Elaboration of Master Plans for Special Use and Maintenance Protection of Cultural Assets of National Interest and for the preparation of catalogs of protected goods, with an amount of 32.372,00 euros, per a les accions Cervera Master Plan.

Subsidy for the restoration and consolidation of real estate of remarkable cultural value, with an amount of 99.194,00 euros, per a les accions Maintenance and conservation of the planes of the roof of the dome roof and the outer walls of the chapel of Sant Tomàs of the church of Sant Domènec.

Subsidy for the execution of works and for the acquisition and installation·Equipment in the museums of Catalonia, with an amount of 181.050,00 euros, per a les accions Rehabilitation of temporary exhibition halls and creation of the visitable reserve of the Cervera Regional Museum.