The 179th edition of the Completes, Matins of the Holy Mystery of Cervera, The church of Santa Maria has been filled with music and tradition again 5 February.

Directed by 28th time by Xavier Puig, have been performed by fifty musicians, one hundred and three solo singers: Sandra Roset, Carles Prat and Toni Marsol.
The event concluded with the Ball de l'Aliga, with the musical accompaniment of the Conservatory Band, and the traditional touch of bells.
some 1.200 people, who have filled the gaug of Santa Maria, have enjoyed this unique musical event.

Invited with honor 2025

The mayor of Barcelona, Jaume Collboni, and the bishop of Lleida, Salvador Giménez, have been the guests of honor at the Completes de Cervera 2025.
Both authorities have been received previously at the Paeria de Cervera, where they have signed in the book of honor.
It's the first time, In democracy, That a mayor of Barcelona makes an institutional visit to Cervera, the gateway to the west, that in this way ties the ties with the Catalan capital.

At the event, PRESIDIT PEL PAER IN CAP, Jan Pomés, and councilors of the Consistory, Also attended by the Member of the Parliament Rocío García, The Vice President of the Lleida Provincial Council, Agustí Jiménez; the provincial deputies pink m. Perelló and Jaume Ars; The director of the Territorial Economics Services in Lleida, Xavier Monné; The President of the Council of Mayor of the Segarra, Imma Secanell, The Vice President of the County Council, Anna Rius; The President of the Catalan Council of the European Council, Jordi Xuclà; I The Rector of Cervera, Mn. Abel Trulls.

The festive procession of Cervera has accompanied the authorities from the Paeria to the church of Santa Maria. Is made up of the flag of the Blessed Mystery, brought by the parish of Cervera; the traps, By the group of giants and grallers; the Eagle; boys and girls from P3 to 6th grade at Jaume Balmes schools, carried by network representatives; and the macers, This year of the network.

Cervera Major Festival

Cervera’s Santíssimo Misteri Festival is declared a heritage festival of national interest and included in the Catalog of Catalonia’s festive heritage.
This year, of the 5 al 9 of February program a set of leisure activities, cultural, religious and traditional.
Cour illeu the programming in this link.