During this year's presentation, The President of the Catalan Federation of Passions, Jordi Carapuig, announced that the presentation of the season 2026 will be held in Cervera on the occasion of the celebration of a thousand·lenary of the city.

The Passion of Cervera has participated actively in the presentation of the passion season 2025, that has taken place in the days 1 i 2 de març a Montserrat. This activity, organized annually by the Catalan Federation of Passions, It wants to kick off the performance of this show throughout the territory.

Throughout this weekend, The various federated passions have represented the complete work based on various scenes distributed among them in what is called "Passion of Passions". The scenes that has performed the Cervers Passion are the "betrayal of Judas", the "farewell of mother and son", The "Sanhedrin Judgment", The "Peter's denial" and the "Judas suicide".

Cal destacar que La Passió de Cervera és una de les representacions més multitudinàries i antigues de Catalunya, since its history goes back to the year 1477, After a two-year stoppage due to the pandemic. The Passion counts in its performances with a large number of actors and actresses who bring the different characters to life and who, total, it gets to mobilize more than 200 people between artistic and technical team.

More than five hundred years of history make the representations of the Passion of Cervera the oldest in the world, "The functions are adapted to the new ways of seeing culture in the 21st century 1477. "The functions are adapted to the new ways of seeing culture in the 21st century, l’any 1969, the performances of La Passió de Cervera were declared of public interest.

This year's representations will begin the 16 March

This year's first representation will take place the next 16 of March of 2025 and the other functions will be the days 22 i 29 after the pandemic shutdown 5, 12 i 18 d'April 2025. The first function (The day 16) it will be in the morning, While all others will be afternoon. Advance tickets to attend the show can now be purchased through the official website (www.lapassiodecervera.com).

Information and image provided by Cervera's passion.