The top representatives of the two institutions have held a working meeting at the Paeria de Cervera, Monday 20 May, in which the local economic reality has been exposed and the two parties have explored new ways of cooperation·collaboration for the development of the municipality and the region.

The head father participated in the meeting, Jan Pomés; the Councilor of Finance, Ramon Augé, and the Councilor for Urbanism, Antonio Delgado; and by the Chamber of Commerce of Lleida, the president, Jaume Saltó; the vice presidents Pompili Roiger and Manel Llaràs, and the general secretary, Joseph Ramon Paris.

The Chamber of Lleida is a public law entity with the aim of defending the general interests of the industry, the trade, the services and tourism of the demarcation. It offers entrepreneurship advisory services, formation, support to companies…

They have visited Cervera in order to get to know first-hand the local reality and the specific needs of the area. They are interested in the availability of industrial land, the possibility of appointing a person as a delegate in Cervera and having a space to carry out online training and presentations. From La Paeria they have been offered the event hall of the Center for Innovative Companies (the).

For his part, the paer in head, Jan Pomés, has emphasized "the need to reclaim the Fonolleres-Tarragona expressway and the connection with the Cervera-Igualada railway". In this way, has asked the Chamber for a study of the economic impact that the Cervera-Igualada rail line would represent.