As is traditional, a few days after the start of the school year, the inaugural concert of the new Autumn Cycle is here, organized by the Association of Friends of Music of Cervera.

The concert will take place next Sunday 6 October, them 19 hours, at the Municipal Auditorium.
It will be a good time to reconnect with music and once again make clear the meaning of all the educational work carried out by the teachers and students at the Conservatory.

The protagonists of the concert will be a selection of students who obtained the best average marks in the promotion and who are now eligible for the Honor Award in their specialty.
On this occasion we will be able to listen to the pianist Anastasia Mostishko from Pontsica - who will offer us works by Josep Lluís Guzman, Beethoven i Brahms-, the clarinetist from Agramun Queralt Solé - who, accompanied by the pianist Jordi Castellà, will perform the second Sonata of Brahms for clarinet and piano- and pianist Roger Montraveta, which will present "Quejas o la maja y el roiseñor" by Enric Granados and the Rapsódia op. 79 n. 1 of J. Brahms.

Information and poster provided by Santi RIu (Cervera Conservatory).