The 21st edition of the Segarra research awards ceremony took place on Thursday 23 May, at the Municipal Auditorium of Cervera, organized by the Educational Service, with the help·collaboration of the three institutes of the region and the sponsorships of the Regional Council of Segarra, the Town Council of Cervera, the Town Council of Guissona and BonÀrea – Caixa Guissona.

As usual, and as stated in bases of the awards, two categories are established, the science and technology modality and that of social sciences and humanities. In the presentation of the works, great care is taken to preserve anonymity and authorship.

The members of the presidential table who handed out the recognition diplomas and prizes were: Carolina Garcia, Councilor for Education of the Paeria de Cervera; Ramon Augé, president of the Regional Council of Segarra; Jaume Ars, mayor of Guissona City Council; Monica Torné, head of training for the bonÀarea group; and Marina Dalmases, president of the TdR Awards Jury 2024.

The event was conducted by Noèlia Solé, secondary school teacher, actress and rhapsode, that put a touch of sympathy, relaxing the tensions of the protagonist students with the emotions on the surface.

In this way, helped a lot too, the brilliant performance of the pianist student of the Cervera Music Conservatory, Anastasia Mostishko, who enlivened the event with two musical pieces: Tribute to Francesc Alió by Josep Lluís Guzmán, i Sonata n. 24, op. 78 -Beethoven's Adagio cantabile-Allegro ma non tanto.

The jury noted the quality of all the works presented, for this reason they have all received well-deserved recognition. There is no empty prize left, granting 4 prizes for each modality: two accesses, two third prizes, two second prizes and two first prizes.

The members of the jury for this edition have been:

Jury of science and technology: Marina Dalmases Trilla, degree in Biology; Ramon Perez Mir, president of the Col·Legium of Geologists of Catalonia, and Jordi Farré Saurí, agronomist engineer.

Jury of social sciences and humanities: Maria Garganté and Llanes, Professor of Art History at the Autonomous University of Barcelona; Marissa Jovell and Grau, high school Geography and History teacher, and Josep Jordana i Sauret, director of the regional archive of Pla d'Urgell.

The prizes are: access 50 €, third prize 100 €, second prize 200 € i primer premi 300 €. Prizes are awarded for work.

We link you the triptych where you can consult the list of works presented, authors and authors, institutes and the tutors who have guided the preparation of the same.

The recognitions and awards given for this edition were as follows:

Recognitions in the social sciences and humanities modality

Title of the work Author Tutor/a Institut
The macabre world of murders. You have the killer close by? -Sabina Morera Mas-Israa Oufkir Derouich

-Happy Laye Diop Dangoura

The female empowerment of the New Romanticism Eva Gasol Chinglata M. Teresa Bernet Badia LA SEGARRA INSTITUTE

Recognitions in the modality of science and technology

Title of the work Author Tutor/a Institut
The house is our third skin. Self-sufficient homes made of sustainable materials – Alba Barguès Riera – Bárbara Torres Alcaide Silvia Pascual Sol ANTONI TORROJA INSTITUTE
make garden: I'll negotiate it? Arnau Franc Toulouse Arnau Raluy Costa GUISSONA INSTITUTE

Prizes in the social sciences and humanities category

Premise Title of the work Author Tutor/a Institut
access Music therapy. A resource to move emotions. Savina Finds Riu Sonia Simon Jordan ANTONI TORROJA INSTITUTE
Third prize How to care for those who care. Carla Carbonell Puig Monica Jové Veis LA SEGARRA INSTITUTE
second prize The evolution of sports journalism in the Terres de Lleida. Albert Jover Solé Ton Granell Turull ANTONI TORROJA INSTITUTE
first prize The mills of the Oró stream. David Gargante Sarbu Divina Garrofé Manuel GUISSONA INSTITUTE

Awards in the science and technology category

Premise Title of the work Author Tutor/a Institut
access Another way to live. Design of a sustainable "Tiny House".. Julia Pla Gomà Silvia Pascual Sol ANTONI TORROJA INSTITUTE
Third prize The importance of visual and special effects in literary adaptations. Nel Jorba Franco Rosa Mas Fustà GUISSONA INSTITUTE
second prize Efficient management of irrigation water from the Segarra-Garrigues canal in a vineyard. Ariadna Cuadros Broch Sorrows Serra Vidal LA SEGARRA INSTITUTE
first prize Retro video games with Raspberry Pi. Nassreddine El Baghdadi Pere Joan Armengol Rosinés LA SEGARRA INSTITUTE

the Segarra Regional Research Awards are a sign of the commitment of the Segarra Educational Services with education and research as engines of personal development and col·school. With this call, the aim is to recognize the talent and effort of the boys and girls of the region and the work carried out by the secondary schools of La Segarra.

Information provided by the Segarra Educational Service.