Next Saturday day 8 March March is commemorated International Women's Day. From the Paeria de Cervera, The Segarra County Council and the Generalitat de Catalunya, We are pleased to invite you to the institutional event ”simply because they are women. Una realitat silenciada” que tindrà lloc el proper divendres, 7 Neus Ballús 18.30 hours, a…

Next Saturday day 8 March March is commemorated International Women's Day.

From the Paeria de Cervera, The Segarra County Council and the Generalitat de Catalunya, ens plau convidar-vos a l’acte institutional "Simply because sFrom the women. A silenced reality ” que tindrà lloc el proper Friday, 7 March them 18.30 hours, a la Plaça Joan Salat de Cervera. If the weather conditions were unfavorable, the event will move to the Casa Museum during the Casa Museum Duran i Sanpere. The change would be announced on the social networks of the Segarra County Council.

The tour presents a new look at Cervera, From an itinerary showing reality, often silenced, of half of its population: the women.

We are waiting for you!

Like every year, From the Office of Equality we make you known, too, The activities promoted throughout the region, organized by a great diversity of agents. There are activities per a tots els públics i en formats molt diversos: talks, workshops, col·loquis, etc. You can find information and images of the different events that are developed on the web and networks of the Council.

We encourage you to share the program and participate in the different organized activities. Clica aquí per veure el programa.

We hope you can enjoy the different events.