Cervera has converted again, Wednesday 17 July, in the epicenter of the luthier world throughout southern Europe, with the 20th edition of the most important fair in the sector.

The Luthiers Fair celebrates its first 20 years of history turned into a unique benchmark in the sector, and this year it has gathered 12 workshops of artisans arrived from various points, such as Perpignan.
Hundreds of visitors walk the corridor of the University of Cervera to see and/or purchase the latest developments in instruments and their accessories.
This year, Besides, the Fair was dedicated to the world of bows and a cello bow was exhibited, by Joseph Arthur Vigneron (pare), which belonged to Josep Trotta, cello·very prominent list in Barcelona during the first half of the 20th century.

The day was completed with several parallel activities·leles, like a guided tour, an informative pill on what you need to know before buying a bow and a talk on "The construction and evolution of the bow".

Information on the Luthiers Fair at Telenotícias Regions del 3Cat.

As is traditional, the Festival concert was dedicated to the Fair and it was possible to listen to works by Puccini, Beethoven and a posthumous premiere by Cervelló, for a single viola. They have been interpreted by Corrado Bolsi, Heriberto Fonseca and Raquel Castro, violin; Lara Fernández and Anna Puig, viola; Lorenzo Meseguer and Laia Puig, cello.

Information provided by the Press Service of the Cervera Chair.
Photo: Jordi Prat.