Thursday 1 of June was presented, at the Seu Vella in Lleida, the Fars de Ponent initiative, which was born with the aim of making the towers visible and turning them into tourist attractions, bell towers, watchtowers and viewpoints of Ponent, including the bell tower of Santa Maria de Cervera.

The route initially consists of 9 populations, whose towers can be visited: Agramunt, Balaguer, Bellpuig, Cervera, Borges White, Linen, Lleida, Os de Balaguer and Tàrrega.

In the first tower they visit, tourists will receive a passport that they can complete with stickers, as a stamp, in the visits to the other towers. Once the route is completed, a gift will be received (shirt or others).

At the bell tower of Santa Maria de Cervera the initiative already starts on Saturday 3 June, with tourist visits scheduled at 12 and 13 hours, in charge of the Association of Campaners de Cervera, which will continue every first Saturday of the month.

The Fars de Ponent project was presented in a joint event at Seu Vella in Lleida, in which the acting head father participated, Joan Santacana, and the Campaners de Cervera.

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