The chief paer, Jan Pomés; the Councilor of Culture, Ramon Augé; and the artistic director, Jordi Armengol, have unveiled the image of the festival 2025, work of Cervera designer Anna Domenjó, which in the last editions has been in charge of the graphic proposal of the contest.
This time we wanted to give more importance to the instrumental and human part of the contest. According to Anna Domenjó, “Without musicians and instruments there would be no music, there would be no festival ”. In this way the proximity of the pictures has been sought, an instrument foreground with the hand or hands that make music possible. This picture is in contrast to a black background, neutral, that apart from highlighting the image and message you want to offer, denotes more elegance and forcefulness, giving more strength and value to a festival that makes 15 years of experience.
Advance ticket sales.
The Easter Festival of Cervera has just started the sale of tickets through its official website:
To reward the earliest users, les entrades anticipades tenen més d’un 20% discount. Prices remain as last year and at evening concerts, it happens from 18 euros to the box office, as 14 euros if the advance purchase is made online. Tickets can also be purchased in advance by proximity concerts for only 6 euros.
Els interessats a assistir a més d’un concert poden escollir l’adquisició d’un abonament que els permetrà veure tots els concerts del certamen per només 75 euros, la qual cosa suposa una rebaixa de gairebé la meitat sobre el preu original de cada entrada. There are also specific tickets to enjoy the evening concerts for only 50 euros. Local concerts also have their own subscription, which allows you to enjoy two different concerts for yourself 10 euros.
The Festival also continues with the agreements with various entities and organizations such as the Carnet Jove, the TRESC Club and various media, others, to offer discounts among its subscribers.
They also enjoy significant bonuses in col·"Appropa Cultura" class, the majors of 65 years and single-parent and/or large families. The different discount options (early entry or through these rebates with media entities or subscribers) they are not cumulative with each other.
Paral·lelament, el Festival de Pasqua vol facilitar l’accés a la música clàssica catalana a totes les capes de la societat i vol fer una especial atenció als més joves. For this reason, the evening concerts will have a price of only 6 euros for minors 18 years and of 2 euros in the case of proximity concerts.
The Easter Festival, organized by the Town Council of Cervera, It has the support of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat and is a meeting point for the sector of classical music in Catalonia and a showcase of classical music that is held in Catalonia.