The Councilor for Economic Promotion, Raimond Fusté, has given the keys to the modules 2 i 3 from the Cervera Innovative Business Center to two new projects that are starting in the city.
On the one hand, has delivered the keys to the module 2 a Brooke Mrad, company representative Loud Europe, digital marketing agency specialized in generating contacts (leads). Besides, also has a department dedicated to 3D mapping (mapping) i digital design.
Loud Europe operates on a global scale, providing customized marketing solutions to companies in various sectors, including finance, insurance, home improvements, online dating, games and astrology.
Their goal is to offer high performance lead generation and digital marketing solutions that help businesses in all sectors grow, attracting customers, increasing web traffic and improving brand awareness. Besides, of 3D mapping and digital design.
Més informació al web
I, The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany, has given Juli Laudes, creator of BDR Workshop, module keys 3, where he has located a bicycle repair shop.
Its objective is to offer maintenance services, bike repair and customization, as well as the sale of spare parts and accessories. Besides, wants to promote sustainable mobility and the use of the bicycle as a means of daily transport. També realitza tallers i cursos de manteniment per a persones usuàries de bicicletes i tota mena de formació relacionada amb el món de la bici.
More information at: @bdr.workshop
Raimond Fusté, regidor de Promoció Econòmica, els ha donat la benvinguda al CEI Cervera i els ha animat a tirar endavant els seus projectes.
El Centre d’Empreses Innovadores té un mòdul disponible
El CEI Cervera està ubicat al polígon industrial de la ciutat, en una nau propietat de la Paeria, where seven modules were enabled 60 m2 for new business.
L’objectiu del CEI és potenciar i millorar el teixit industrial i empresarial de la ciutat i comarca donant suport, above all, a les persones que inicien la seva activitat i que a més aportin innovació, generate wealth and employment in the territory. The management of the equipment and business advice is the responsibility of the Paeria de Cervera.
Actualment acull les següents empreses: Europe Dental Lab, Loud Europe, Club Ciclista Sikarra, L’Atelier Creació, All Dance Academy i Logística Ametllers. Hi ha un mòdul disponible.
Companies have the modules for a period of three years to start and develop their activity.