Friday 11 of October, the bases for the Young Entrepreneurship Award were presented 2024, convened with the aim of promoting the spirit of enterprise among young people in the Segarra region.

The prize will be awarded to the most innovative self-employment project, with more business growth potential, and wealth and job creation. The promotion of the region will also be valued.

There is a single prize of 3.000 euros. The initiative has the col·support of the Town Council of Cervera, that contribute 1.000 euros; the Board of Economic Promotion of the Provincial Council of Lleida, and the General Directorate of Youth of the Department of Social and Family Welfare.

The 22nd edition of the Award was presented at the Segarra Youth Office, by the president of the County Council, Ramon Augé, and the regional councilor for Youth, Alex Bochaca, who explained that this year the bases have been modified, which will prioritize the social and health sectors, as well as that the people who present themselves have studies.

The submission deadline ends on 15 November.
Més informació i consulta de les bases on the website of the Segarra Youth Office.

Information and poster provided by the Segarra Youth Office.