The chief paer, Jan Pomés; the Councilor of Culture, Ramon Augé; and the Councilor for Festivities, Carolina Garcia, have presented the programs of the 48th Isagoge cultural week and the Festa Major de Cervera, that will be celebrated 13 al 23 September.

The Isagoge cultural week, which bears the title "The Catalan Indians: local and regional stories" is devoted this year to the social and historical theme of the Indians, people who emigrated to America throughout the 19th century and who returned to their places of origin, in most cases having made a fortune.
It's a little-studied subject with very interesting personal stories, also in Cervera and region. According to the Councilor for Culture, Ramon Augé, one of the aims of this year's Isagoge is to "encourage the study of Indians in La Segarra".
The choice of the theme and the organization of the activities has been made jointly with the cultural association La Nova de Cervera.

The exhibition "The Indian legacy, a common past to discover", of the Network of Indian Municipalities; a conference on its historical and cultural legacy in Cervera and Segarra, by the specialist writer Tate Cabré; the projection of the skin·film "My grandfather went to Cuba, round trip”, with the presentation of the directors, Sergi Martí and Joan Salicrú; the sample of documents "Pere Vila i Codina, an Indian from La Segarra"; a concert of Cuban roots music, with the group Sonsonite…

Besides, the already traditional Isagoge cultural and recreational activities such as the Cervera Sound youth concert, the meeting of pointers, the Festa Major in the residences, the interactive entourage, the guided night tour, the jazz concert…

This year, during the cultural week, the inaugurations of the works of the Sant Domènec convent and of the Regional Museum of Cervera will also take place.
The presentation of the partial restoration of the Gothic church of Sant Domènec will immediately include the representation of "Pedra de tartera", a multidisciplinary show that fuses dance, poetry and audiovisuals by Pau'a'm, of the Era of Cervera.
The new reception will be inaugurated at the Regional Museum, which has been completely remodeled. And the facility will reopen to the public from Wednesday 18.

Programa de la 48a Isagoge.

The Festa Major, which will be held on 20 al 23 September, will offer a wide entertainment program distributed in different areas of the city.
This year the concerts are planned in the Major and University squares and in the parking lot of the multipurpose hall, a space with more capacity and open to all audiences; while the stalls will be located on Avinguda de l'Esport.
Another new feature is the enhancement of dancing. According to the Councilor for Festivities, Carolina Garcia, "we have incorporated formations into the program so that people can dance every day, in order to recover the dance in Cervera".

The chief paer, Jan Pomés, has announced the honored entity and the herald.
This year the Municipal Corporation will pay tribute to La Xarxa, the entity responsible for the stable programming of children's and youth theater in Cervera for a long time 37 years.
The announcement will be made by Pepa Fernández Vallès, Cervera journalist recognized in the Spanish field who, from 1999, directs and presents the program “It's not just any day”, of National Radio of Spain.

Program of the Festa Major del Sant Crist.