Sunday 15 In September, the inaugural event took place for the renovation of the Gothic church of Sant Domènec as a new socio-cultural space for the city.

The event had the interventions of the father in chief, Jan Pomés; the councilor of Heritage, Monte Closa; and the subdelegate of the State Government in Lleida, Jose Crespín.
The second vice president of the Diputació de Lleida also attended, Estefania Rufach; the director of the Territorial Services of Culture in Lleida, Albert Turull; the Councilor of Culture, Ramon Augé; and councilors Assumpció Creus and Jordi Rovira.

Later, the architect of the works, Antoni Marti, he explained the interventions carried out in the building to the large audience that attended.

The event ended with the performance of the multidisciplinary show "Pedra de tartera", that fuses dance, poetry, music, painting and audiovisuals, by Pau'a'm, of the Era of Cervera.

The last phase of works in Sant Domènec consisted of the restoration of the old sacristy, the construction of services, and the qualification of dressing rooms, an emergency exit and the facilities·air conditioning facilities. Work has also been done outside to stabilize the base of the common wall with the castle wall.
The project has represented an investment of 404.297 euros. The Paeria de Cervera has a grant of 258.000 euros, he 59% of the total cost, corresponding to the Program of 2% Culture of the Ministry of Transport.