The New Cervera Children's Choir will be the organizer of the 51st meeting "We play singing", Activity that will host in Cervera next Sunday 27 April the smallest singers of the different choral entities of the Terres de Ponent that are part of the Secretariat of Children's Choirs of Catalonia (SCIC).
Since a few months ago, The Cerverina entity is in contact with the SCIC and the rest of the choirs in the district in order to offer very exciting proposals for the day of April, which aims to become a whole music day designed for children singers and their respective directors and families, And also for the general public who wants to enjoy a spring Sunday full of games and songs.
The day will begin early in the morning with the arrival of the different participants in the University Square, Building that will become the frame of the whole encounter. After the reception, The participating singers will travel to the Auditorium, To rehearse the music cantata "The iris fish", Work of the renowned musician and educator Ricard Gimeno, who will also have among the attendees of that day. To two quarters of one of the noon, The doors of the Auditorium will open to the public in order to enjoy this original musical cantata filled with human values, that will surely help to grow children, both at the musical and personal level, During their preparation and staging.
in squares and streets of the city of Cervera, After sharing lunch time in the courtyards of the building, The singers of the Children's Choirs Lleida will be ready to receive and participate actively with the Alea Teatre company, of his well-known musical "Mos-Kids", Show that in recent weeks has been presented throughout the country in a new special version, what, on this occasion, by the hand of the New Cervera Children's Choir, You can enjoy all the attending audience.
Once again, Children's choir is ahead of the important challenge, and at the same time the great opportunity, to offer all citizens a day aimed at little ones. Surely both the singers of the western choirs who attend, as well as all those others who want to gather, they will enjoy the music, the games and choral singing.
Information and images provided by the New Cervera Children's Choir.