He had two sessions, them 11.30 and the 12.15 hours, since the first one was filled the same day that the activity was broadcast. Sònia Peiró is counted as performers - she tells stories, voice, piano and accordion- and Xesco Grau - percussion, guitar and flute.
It was a show in which a story was told with cuddly puppets, that gave way to Christmas in a magical and experiential way. without a doubt, a way of experiencing sensations, rhythms, sounds closely and at the same time reveal musical sensibilities, since during the workshop the children, who were accompanied by their parents, they were able to interact first hand with the instruments and then they were able to take pictures with the sets, thus closing an activity that was very well received by the families.
On the other hand, the saxophone group participated last Sunday in the 2nd Charitable Performing Arts Gala of Central Catalonia for La Marató at the Paranimf of the University of Cervera, directed by their teacher Jordi Sabater.
And this coming weekend, the Conservatory's traditional Christmas concerts will take place. Friday will be the turn of the orchestras, at the Municipal Auditorium; while on Sunday - in a double morning and afternoon session- the instrumental and choral groups will be the protagonists, in the Auditorium of the University of Cervera.
Information and image provided by Santi River (Cervera Conservatory).