“A prop”, new cycle of small-format performing arts in Cervera

“A prop”, new cycle of small-format performing arts in Cervera

La Paeria de Cervera, with the help·collaboration of La Caserna Theater School and La Xarxa Cervera, organizes this new performing arts program, which will take place between the months of January and April in various spaces of the city.

The program is based on an eclectic selection of five small-format shows that seek to generate a bond of proximity between the viewer and the artist. It also wants to promote topical issues such as mental health, the dryer or, simply, everyday life.

It includes different artistic disciplines such as monologues, magic and the·illusionism, or street theater. Besides, bet for the local actors of the hand of the Theater School La Caserna, with a work of creation col·lesson represented in an unusual space.

The following performances are planned:

"The Image Hunter", amb Sergi Buka. Sunday 12 January, Auditorium.

"Many thanks", with Mercè Comes. Saturday 5 February, Auditorium.

"Color", with Mariona Esplugues. Sunday 2 March, Auditorium.

"A scene" project, of the Barracks. Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 March, Paeria of Cervera.

"Drop", with Txema Muñoz. Saturday 26 d'abril, pati of the University.

The series is complemented by La Xarxa's new stable family theater programming "On Tour", that begins the 2025 also leaving the Gran Teatre with three performances in other theaters in the city.

Link to information booklet.
Link to ticket sale.

Paeria magazine September-December 2024

Paeria magazine September-December 2024

In this copy (number 228) reports on municipal activity between the months of September and December 2024

They highlight the putting into service of the urban bus, the project to locate a National Hostel at the University of Cervera, the new "Time x Cures" initiative, the summaries of the Festa Major and the Isagoge, institutional visits to La Paeria, the act of switching on the Christmas lights and the Market, among other information.

You can consult the magazine at this link.

The Conservatory scheduled three concerts to celebrate Christmas

The Conservatory scheduled three concerts to celebrate Christmas

The Cervera Music Conservatory closed the term with the celebration of three splendid Christmas concerts.

The first took place on Friday 20, at the Municipal Auditorium, with the presence of the two orchestras. The Britten Orchestra - made up of boys and girls from 10 i 13 years-, under the direction of Jordi Armengol and the Andreví Orchestra, under the direction of Carles Gumí.

Sunday 22 two concerts took place in the Paranimf of the University. As scheduled at 12 in the morning you could listen to the choral singing group of the initiation and preliminary department - the youngest in the center -, the accordion group Els Assossegats -under the direction of Sònia Peiró-, the guitar ensemble -under the direction of Xavier Gómez-, the percussion group under the baton of Aleydis Serra and the combo.

In the afternoon, wind formations were more present, with the Banda Piccola and the Band directed by Xesco Grau as well as the center's choral formations.

And the Conservatory does not stop machines after these concerts, since his participation in a Series of concerts in the region is planned, organized by the County Council.
the cycle, which consists of six concerts, offers music in Pelagalls -21 December-, Massoteres and Civit -28 December-, grandmother -29 December-, Sanaüja -3 January- and Sant Guim de Freixenet -4 January, with the participation of students doing chamber music, the guitar group, the accordion group, the orchestras and the band.

Information and image provided by Santi River (Cervera Conservatory).

Cervera organizes a drill to prepare for an eventual episode of snowfall

Cervera organizes a drill to prepare for an eventual episode of snowfall

The Paeria de Cervera and the Civil Protection Service of the Regional Council of Segarra carried out, Monday 16 December, an office simulation to test the Municipal Snow Emergency Plan.

During the activity, a series of incidents and problems that can arise in an episode of snowfall were simulated, which from the municipal entity had to be resolved.
The drills promote the coordination of the different municipal services and the monitoring of the activation protocols of the Emergency Plan through the Center for Operational Coordination of Catalonia (CECAT).

The entirety of the Cervera Emergency Municipal Organizational Chart participated, headed by the father in chief, Jan Pomés; and the 1st deputy mayor, Ramon Augé; the councilor of Municipal Services, Antonio Delgado; the councilor for Mobility, Monte Closa.

It was conducted by the civil protection technician of the Regional Council of La Segarra, Albert Pujol. As observers, the head of Civil Protection of the Territorial Services of the Interior in Lleida also attended, Sergi Turmo, and the technique, Josefina Segura; and the regional councilor for Civil Protection and Rural Environment, Josep Giribets.

The Municipal Snow Emergency Plan is integrated into the Single Civil Protection Document (DUPROCIM) Cervera, drawn up by the Civil Protection Service of the Regional Council of La Segarra.

The chief paer, Jan Pomés, he emphasized "the good coordination between all the agents involved in emergency management" and announced "the organization of another fire drill in the spring of 2025".

From the Territorial Services of the Interior in Lleida, Sergi Turmo, he emphasized that "Cervera and la Segarra are the model to follow in planning and raising awareness in the field of Civil Protection".

The Civil Protection Service of the Regional Council of La Segarra promotes the realization of drills, as part of the implementation of the different emergency plans of the municipalities. This service is available to all the municipalities in the region to carry out at least one annual drill of one of the risks involved.

The show "The magic of Christmas" brings music closer to the little ones

The show "The magic of Christmas" brings music closer to the little ones

The Bach Room of the Conservatory of Cervera was the stage where, Saturday 14 December, you could experience "The magic of Christmas", show aimed at children of I2.

He had two sessions, them 11.30 and the 12.15 hours, since the first one was filled the same day that the activity was broadcast. Sònia Peiró is counted as performers - she tells stories, voice, piano and accordion- and Xesco Grau - percussion, guitar and flute.

It was a show in which a story was told with cuddly puppets, that gave way to Christmas in a magical and experiential way. without a doubt, a way of experiencing sensations, rhythms, sounds closely and at the same time reveal musical sensibilities, since during the workshop the children, who were accompanied by their parents, they were able to interact first hand with the instruments and then they were able to take pictures with the sets, thus closing an activity that was very well received by the families.

On the other hand, the saxophone group participated last Sunday in the 2nd Charitable Performing Arts Gala of Central Catalonia for La Marató at the Paranimf of the University of Cervera, directed by their teacher Jordi Sabater.

And this coming weekend, the Conservatory's traditional Christmas concerts will take place. Friday will be the turn of the orchestras, at the Municipal Auditorium; while on Sunday - in a double morning and afternoon session- the instrumental and choral groups will be the protagonists, in the Auditorium of the University of Cervera.

Information and image provided by Santi River (Cervera Conservatory).

The Cervera Local Safety Board takes stock of the year 2024

The Cervera Local Safety Board takes stock of the year 2024

At the meeting, which took place in the Paeria de Cervera on Thursday 12 December, it was emphasized that the municipality maintains a low rate of criminal acts, with an incidence below the average for Catalonia as a whole.

L’any 2024 the criminal acts in Cervera have an incidence of 50,7% for each 1.000 inhabitants, quite far from the data for Catalonia, which are from 66,5%.
It should also be noted that the incidence has fallen in relation to the year 2023, that was from 57,3% for each 1.000 inhabitants in Cervera and the 77,1% a Catalonia.

The data indicate that, despite the existence of specific incidents, the municipality's security level is above the average for Catalonia. Regarding the typology of crimes, it was highlighted that this year there has also been an increase in Internet scams.

The Cervera Local Security Board is made up of Mossos d'Esquadra commands, Civil Guard, Local Police, Bombers, Rural and Civil Protection Agents of the County Council, and political representatives of the Department of the Interior, the delegation of the Government of the Generalitat, the sub-delegation of the State and the Paeria of Cervera.

The meeting was chaired by the father in chief, Jan Pomés; the general director of the Police, Josep Lluís Trapero; the director of Local Police Coordination, Daniel Limones; the deputy delegate of the State Government in Lleida, Jose Crespín; and the representative of the Government of the Generalitat in Lleida, Nuria Gil.

Deputy mayors Ramon Augé and Antonio Delgado attended on behalf of La Paeria; and by the Generalitat, the director of the Territorial Services of the Interior in Lleida, Xavier Garròs, and the head of the Mossos in the Police Region of Ponent, Joseph Codina.

During the session the different security forces summarized their activity during the 2024. The good coordination between institutions and the increase in the resolution of incidents were highlighted.