Very positive evaluation of the familiarization day of the tourism sector in Cervera

Very positive evaluation of the familiarization day of the tourism sector in Cervera

Els participants de la jornada, organitzada per l’Àrea de Turisme del Consell Comarcal de la Segarra i Turisme Cervera, han coincidit a destacar l’experiència com una iniciativa molt positiva per reforçar els vincles entre els agents del sector turístic i cultural de la comarca.

En les conclusions també han subratllat la importància de teixir una xarxa sòlida i de col·collaboration.
Han valorat especialment la qualitat de la informació proporcionada durant la jornada, que els ha permès descobrir noves propostes i recursos del territori. Aquest coneixement directe és clau per millorar la capacitat de recomanació als visitants, enriquint la seva experiència i potenciant els atractius turístics de la comarca.
També han posat en valor la col·laboració entre institucions i agents privats, una aposta que es considera essencial per a la promoció efectiva del territori.

Jornada de familiarització turística

L’Àrea de Turisme del Consell Comarcal de la Segarra amb la col·laboració de Turisme Cervera va organitzar, Wednesday 30 October, una jornada de familiarització (fam trip), adreçada al sector turístic de la Segarra amb l’objectiu de donar a conèixer els recursos turístics de la ciutat de Cervera a través de la mirada dels professionals del sector, per tal que puguin donar informació turística, convertir-se en ambaixadors de territori i millorar l’autoestima envers la ciutat.

La jornada va començar a les 9.30 h del matí al Centre d’Acollida Turística (CAT) de Cervera on el president del Consell Comarcal de la Segarra, Ramon Augé, la regidora de Turisme de Cervera, Judit Guim, i el conseller comarcal de Turisme, Francesc Sabanés, van donar la benvinguda als assistents i els van agrair la participació. El president del Consell Comarcal va encoratjar al sector privat a convertir-se en altaveu dels actius turístics de la zona alhora que els va demanar que fessin pinya per, entre tots, aconseguir uns productes turístics de qualitat. També va posar a disposició del sector els serveis de l’Àrea de Turisme del Consell.

Des del CAT, el grup es va traslladar a l’espai SensaSió Jardí pels sentits, a Castellnou d’Oluges -municipi de Cervera-, on es va dur a terme una sessió de coaching com a eina de creixement personal i tècnic professional. At the same time, es va donar a conèixer aquest espai per connectar amb la natura i obert al públic en general. When finished, el grup es va traslladar a Cervera, on de la mà de l’intèrpret del patrimoni Armand Forcat va fer una visita guiada a la Universitat, el nucli antic de la ciutat i l’església de Santa Maria.

El restaurant L’Antic Forn, guardonat en el certamen Washoku World Challenge com el tercer millor restaurant del món, fora del Japó, en la preparació de plats de cuina japonesa. La jornada va finalitzar amb una visita al Museu Comarcal de Cervera, on la directora, Mireia Pedro, va guiar el grup per la casa Duran i Sanpere.

A partir d’ara es treballarà per portar a terme el fam trip en altres espais, pobles i ciutats de la comarca, amb l’objectiu de descobrir més indrets i productes turístics i, at the same time, continuar creant xarxa entre tots els agents del territori.

Cervera advances the lighting of the Christmas lights

Cervera advances the lighting of the Christmas lights

Turning on the lights, which will kick off the Christmas activities, will be done on Friday 22 November, in the main square, where on the balcony of La Paeria the deer will show off again, this year with more il·lighting.

The event is complemented by a free prior workshop on making Christmas lanterns, a Christmas carol with the Nova Cervera Children's Choir and a popular chocolate bar.

The main novelties of the Christmas campaign in Cervera were presented at a press conference, Monday 18 November, the paer in head, Jan Pomés; the Councilor for Festivities and Youth, Carolina Garcia; the councilor for Economic Promotion, Raimond Fusté; the Councilor of Culture, Ramon Augé; and the Councilor for Municipal Services, Antonio Delgado.

The activities organized by the Paeria are represented by unitary posters, with a classic design that includes the city's own elements as a distinguishing feature (shield, deer…)

In addition to turning on the lights, the Christmas Market is planned, the Playful Christmas, the delivery of letters to Page Karim, the New Year's party and the Cavalcade of Kings.

The Christmas Market, he 7 December, will collect more than 30 stops in a route of 500 metres, from the Place Santa Anna to the Major.
It will be supplemented with more than 10 stands of the Cervera Entities Fair.

The Fun Christmas will once again offer activities for children and young people, of the 14 from December to 4 January, and the Christmas Park in the multipurpose pavilion.

The delivery of letters to Page Karim, he 27 December, it changes its location and moves to Plaça Santa Anna.

The New Year's Eve party will start in Plaça Major and end in the pavilion, The Councilor for Festivities agreed on this change with the troupes who had already expressed their interest in taking part in the parade., others.

The traditional Reis cavalcade, he 5 January, will present news on the route.

La Paeria de Cervera presents the City Medal to Armand Forcat and Morros

La Paeria de Cervera presents the City Medal to Armand Forcat and Morros

Cultural activist and heritage interpreter Armand Forcat i Morros (Cervera, 1929) he was the first person to be awarded the Medal of the City, which he received in a public event in the Sala de Plens de la Paeria, Sunday 17 November.

The awarding of the medal is a manifestation of municipal gratitude for a personal or collective performance·lective in favor of the city that has had a special echo or a notable repercussion in the cultural fields, artistic, scientist, economic, social, political or sports.

It is one of the honors, along with the titles of favorite child and adopted child, that the Paeria de Cervera plans to award as a sign of recognition.

In the Plenary of the past 26 of September was approved, by unanimity, award the City Medal to Armand Forcat, as a sign of recognition for his extensive career as a cultural activist, interpreter and disseminator of heritage through guided tours, articles, books…

The solemn act of delivery, which filled the Plenary Hall, went to the charge of the father in chief, Jan Pomés, and the councilors of the Municipal Council.

Jan Pomés emphasized that Armand Forcat is the first person to receive this distinction, "a recognition to highlight the cultural wealth of Cervera and for the city to believe in its tourism and heritage potential".

Armand Forces, visibly excited, he emphasized recognition for “doing my job, which I have done and continue to do very happily". He wanted to thank the Consistory, to his family, to the workers of the Tourist Reception Center (CAT), to the colleagues of the Heritage Interpreters Association, and to the former mayors and councilors of Tourism. He wanted to remember that "I inherited the appreciation for the city from my parents and brothers".

Laia Pipó also spoke, on behalf of the Cervera Heritage Interpreters Association, that together with the Bellmen and colleagues of the CAT, dedicated a few words of thanks to him for "entrusting them with the estimate for Cervera". Among other praises, emphasized that "Armand is the living history of the city".

The filla, Carme Forces, he recalled his father's career, "always working for the country, the language and especially Cervera". He highlighted Armand's vitality and thanked him for "infecting the family with his love for Cervera".

The event ended with the signing of the Book of Honor of the Paeria. It is the second time that Armand Forcat has had this privilege, since he also signed it when he was the herald of the Festa Major, in September of 2012.

The entire event can be viewed on La Paeria's YouTube channel.

It should also be noted that at the beginning there was a tolling of recognition bells, in charge of the Campaners Cultural Group of Cervera.

Cervera hosts the 1st Meeting of young people in the agri-food sector with councilor Òscar Ordeig

Cervera hosts the 1st Meeting of young people in the agri-food sector with councilor Òscar Ordeig

The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Food, Óscar Ordeig, presided over the day, which brought together forty young farmers from all over Catalonia, at the Cervera Municipal Auditorium on Friday 15 November.

The institutional parliaments at the beginning of the day were held by the father in chief, Jan Pomés; the deputy director general of Rural Planning, Laura Dalmau, and councilor Óscar Ordeig.

Jan Pomés welcomed them to Cervera and Segarra, "the granary of Catalonia", and encouraged the youths to continue their exploits.

Councilor Ordeig stated that "generational succession is an axis of government, because every young person who folds is a failure of society, and every exploitation that does not follow is a problem for the country”.

The meeting was organized by the Department of Agriculture with the aim of the young people sharing their impressions and needs with the Department's technicians, territorial services and regional offices. "We are at your disposal to help you", Councilor Ordeig explained.

In this way, the challenges facing the sector were discussed, as now the excess of bureaucracy, the Common Agricultural Policy (PAC), administrative simplification, the generational relief, the fair price or short circuits, among others.

The Paeria de Cervera receives an institutional visit from the grievance committee

The Paeria de Cervera receives an institutional visit from the grievance committee

The complaints union of Catalonia, Esther Giménez-Salinas, visited the Paeria de Cervera, Thursday 14 November, to bring your institution closer to the territory and learn first-hand the needs of the local administration.

She was received by the father in chief, Jan Pomés, and councilors Antonio Delgado and Montse Closa, who transferred requests regarding housing and regulation of public shows and recreational activities in the municipality.

Agreement between Paeria de Cervera and Síndic de Greuges

A collective agreement is currently in force·collaboration between the two institutions, which establishes the displacement of the union team at least twice a year to Cervera to serve the public, and sending an annual report on the complaints processed in the municipality, others.

The latest report, of the year 2023, collects a total of 5 complaints and 9 queries submitted, basically about social policies, local administration, taxes and consumption.

Els informes complets es poden consultar in this link.

The Local Police of Cervera incorporates six new officers

The Local Police of Cervera incorporates six new officers

This week, four of the officers who won the personnel selection process called by the Paeria de Cervera became part of the Local Police staff.

Once the process is finished, the staff of the Local Police of Cervera is expanded by six officers, the four that have already joined, and two more officers who are currently at the Public Security Institute of Catalonia taking the police course, which will end in June 2024.

With the six new additions, the Local Police of Cervera will now have eleven members of staff, with the following distribution: a sergeant, a corporal and nine officers, which cover the security of the municipality.

The increase in staff allows expansion, since this week, patrol hours, which provide the service from Monday to Friday, from 6 a 22 hours, and Saturdays and Sundays, from 6 a 18 hours.

The chief paer, Jan Pomés; the 1st and 2nd lieutenant mayor, Ramon Augé and Antonio Delgado; and the councilor for Security and Local Police, Monte Closa; have received and welcomed the new officers who have joined the municipal staff.