The cycle "near" presents "Frederic Casamajó i Sanpere", A theatrical project created by the barracks

The cycle "near" presents "Frederic Casamajó i Sanpere", A theatrical project created by the barracks

On Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 From March the Paeria de Cervera will host the performances of the tragicomedy "Frederic Casamajó i Sanpere", A traveling show traveling through different rooms of the building.

The public, reduced groups to 30 people, will participate in an immersive theatrical experience. They will be part of the investigation to discover who killed Frederic Casamajó following the protagonists through the rooms of the Paeria.
The work, of a duration of 50 minutes, will be represented in four sessions: Saturday 29, them 20 and 22 hours, and Sunday 30, them 19 and 21 hours.
Tickets can be purchased from this link. Capacity is limited.

"Frederic Casamajó i Sanpere"

Created by the adults group of La Caserna, It is part of the project "A stage", the monographic course of theater of creation for adults. The result of the work is the staging of this work, a theatrical thriller in traveling format by a unique and unpublished space, the Town Council of Cervera.
Frederic Casamajó i Sanpere has died in strange circumstances ... who had reason to make it disappear? The greed, Money and family secrets will mark this immersive theatrical show in which the viewer will be part of the research.

Scenic arts cycle of small format “Now

La Paeria de Cervera, With the support of the La Caserna Theater School and the Cervera Network, organizes this new initiative, which develops between January and April in various parts of the city.
The program is based on an eclectic selection of five small-format shows that seek to generate a bond of proximity between the viewer and the artist. It also wants to promote topical issues such as mental health, the dryer or, simply, everyday life.
It includes different artistic disciplines such as monologues, magic and the·illusionism, or street theater. Besides, bet for the local actors of the hand of the Theater School La Caserna, with a work of creation col·lesson represented in an unusual space.

The New Cervera Children

The New Cervera Children's Choir performs at the Palau de la Música Catalana

The media and adults of the Coral Cerverina became among the five choirs invited to the Palau de la Música Catalana, and Barcelona, on Saturday 15 March, Within the musical and social project "Palau Vincles".

Together with the Media Choir of the Orfeó Català, They shared the stage of the main room to perform the premiere of the cantata "Love is put", of the well -known musician and composer Arnau Tordera.

Needless to say, it was a morning of many emotions so much by singers, as well as the families of the entity, because by becoming one of the guest choirs in the project, The families of the Cervers singers also had invitations to the concert, they made it possible for everyone to enjoy it.
"Palau Vinces" is much more than a concert, As this is a cultural project that also seeks to involve children and young people from disadvantaged environments in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, So that together with their families can enjoy a musical morning in one of the most emblematic buildings in the country.

By the New Cervera Children's Choir, Again was a joy and at the same time a challenge, Because in addition to all the musical materials, The singers also enjoyed the preliminary masters by one of the children's directors of the Palau, Guifré Canadell, who traveled to the Cerverina headquarters so that singers and directors could have the best preparation for the concert, which obviously culminated in the Palau de la Música with a fantastic result.

Information provided by the Children's Choir New Cervera.
Photo: Josep M. Shield.

Aria Brass Ensemble will open the XLVI SPRING CYCLE OF CONCERTS

Aria Brass Ensemble will open the XLVI SPRING CYCLE OF CONCERTS

The set formed by Bernat Clota, Nicola Barreca I Miquel Camps, trumpet; David Arnau, trunk; Pau Carbonell, trombone; Òscar Barqué, tuba; and Xesco Grau, drums, will act on Sunday 23 March, them 19 hours, at the Municipal Auditorium.

They will open the XLVI Spring Concerts, Organized by the Association of Friends of the Music of Cervera, and that will last until the end of June with seven concerts.

Aria Brass Together will present, To the first part, A program consisting of soundtracks and works by authors such as P. Mascagni, E. Morricone, A. Piazzola-; while in the second half you can hear the recovery of the Cant de la Senyera written by Francesc Comorera and recovered Pau Carbonell on the album "La Call", In addition to other works also his.

Therefore, The concert will have a emphasized Cerverian accent both by the performers -all born or linked to the city- as well as for the role of Pau Carbonell and Francesc Comorera as composers.

For this concert there will be a bar service and you will be able to access the Municipal Auditorium from the 18.30 hours.

Pau Carbonell's research

Pau Carbonell, Local musician and researcher, has presented a musical work that has led to a significant recovery of Cervera's cultural heritage. The study was performed in the Regional Archive of La Segarra and in the Municipal Archive of the Conservatory of Cervera, where Carbonell conducted the research that includes interviews, Follow -up of scores and their subsequent digitization.
The result of this research has been the discovery of unpublished works by Francesc Comorera, an old rector of Cervera during the Commonwealth time, more than 100 years. Comorera was a prolific composer who wrote for the Orfeó Cerverí, a local entity that, In spite of their short duration, had a very intense career and made it significantly to put the foundations of the city's choral tradition. Among the recovered works, stand out the Cant de la Senyera, dedicated to La Segarra and the Catalan language, The tears of the, una intense vocal piece, and an unpublished work so far, a hymn to the glory of Cervera.

Seconds carbonell, These compositions reflect the spirit of the Commonwealth time, a moment of today of the Catalanist expression and Catalan culture and folklore. Carbonell has arranged these works for quartet and quintet of metal wind and collected them in an EP entitled "La Call". To complete the album, has included two own compositions: The Belfry of Cervera, Inspired by the dissonance of the city's bells and a tribute to the restored bells of Sant Magí, i Under Your Protection, a song to the Virgin Mary of Montserrat with a completely new harmony.

Pau Carbonell emphasizes that his vocation for service for the general interest has motivated him to carry out this work, with the aim of contributing and recovering a valuable legacy for the Cerverine Community from a cultural perspective. This vocation is, actually, the one that has given the name to the album, "The Call", which is now available on all digital platforms.

Information and poster provided by the Association of Friends of the Music of Cervera.

The Support Office in the Cultural Initiative 8 Paeria Cervera projects for a total amount of 906.077 euros

The Support Office in the Cultural Initiative 8 Paeria Cervera projects for a total amount of 906.077 euros

The Generalitat of Catalonia, through the Support Office for Cultural Initiative (OSIC), He has granted the Paeria de Cervera the following grants in the field of cultural heritage:

Subsidy for the execution of conservation and maintenance of real estate of remarkable cultural value with an amount of 100.000,00 euros, For the actions Conservation and maintenance of a section of the wall of Cervera in the area of ​​La Barbacana.

Subsidiary for the execution of restoration and consolidation of real estate of considerable cultural value, with an amount of 194.888,00 euros, For the actions Rehabilitation and structural consolidation covered and facades of the building on the main street, 13-15 (BCIL) For Civic and Administrative Center 1st Phase.

Subsidy for the execution of restoration and consolidation of real estate of remarkable cultural value, with an amount of 186.994,99 euros, For the actions Reinforcement of ceilings and creation of the interior at the house of the Generalitat de Catalunya-Carrer Major 79 (old music school).

Subsidy for the execution of conservation or maintenance of real estate of remarkable cultural value, with an amount of 100.000,00 euros, For the actions Execution of works for conservation and maintenance work in the Farinera building of the Agricultural Union of Cervera.

Subsidiary Writing projects of cultural facilities of municipal ownership, with an amount of 11.579,70 euros, For the actions Basic project of rehabilitation execution of the Duran i Sanpere Museum in Cervera.

Subsidy Elaboration of Master Plans for Special Use and Maintenance Protection of Cultural Assets of National Interest and for the preparation of catalogs of protected goods, with an amount of 32.372,00 euros, For the actions Cervera Master Plan.

Subsidy for the restoration and consolidation of real estate of remarkable cultural value, with an amount of 99.194,00 euros, For the actions Maintenance and conservation of the planes of the roof of the dome roof and the outer walls of the chapel of Sant Tomàs of the church of Sant Domènec.

Subsidy for the execution of works and for the acquisition and installation·Equipment in the museums of Catalonia, with an amount of 181.050,00 euros, For the actions Rehabilitation of temporary exhibition halls and creation of the visitable reserve of the Cervera Regional Museum.

"The Enchanted Espill" celebrates the fifth anniversary with a new production

"The Enchanted Espill" celebrates the fifth anniversary with a new production

The music show produced by the Cervera Conservatory will once again fill the Ateneu de Guissona Theater with emotions on the days 19 i 20 of March of 2025.

The music show, promoted by the Segarra County Council and produced by the Cervera Conservatory, This year is already celebrating 5 years. Since its premiere it has established itself as a cultural and educational reference in the region of La Segarra. With more than 1.500 students, actors and participating musicians since its inception, The project continues to highlight how culture and education can become powerful tools of personal and community transformation.

A project with history and recognition
Starting from a entrench of Cervera Capital of the Catalan Culture 2019, The Enchanted Mirror premiered on April 11 2019 at the Gran Teatre de la Passió in Cervera, In the Marc of the Pasqua Festival of the Capital of the Segarra. Since then, the play, written for heart, Solists, narrator and instrumental ensemble, It has become a cultural and educational reference in the lands of Ponent. Based on the poem "Notebook of Music" by Jaume Ferran, with original text of Montse Bridge and music of Jordi Castilian, l’any 2021 Win the Josep Anselm Clavé Prize for Choral Singing in Catalonia as best show and live production.
L’any 2023, Coinciding with the inauguration of the Ateneu de Guissona Municipal Theater, The show adapts to be performed on this new scenario, reaffirming the commitment of production with the territory. From the course 2023/2024, The enchanted mirror becomes the epicenter of a community project.

A project that transforms: 400 Students Protagonists
more 400 boys and girls from 5 schools and 3 Institutes of the region of La Segarra participate this year in this interdisciplinary experience, that connects the classrooms with the stage. Since last October, Students are worked with teachers and teachers at Conservatory of Cervera, that -in a total of 136 sessions in different schools-, They accompany them to give life to the show.

Prominent figures and local talent
This year's edition again has the presence of Ainet Jounou, actress from the for·film introduced the multi-award-winning by, I Josep Ferrer, singer and actor with a long career in the main stages of the country, Like the Gran Teatre del Liceu. Join these protagonists of exception Ruth Rius, Laura Cots I Elena Ribera, Together with the Conservatory of Conservatory of Cervera and the dancers of the dance company Montse Esteve de Guissona.
Besides, The project maintains its connection with local traditions, Thanks to the participation of the Colla Castellera Margeners and the Giants of Guissona, reinforcing dialogue between art and popular culture. More than a hundred people on stage make each of the functions possible. The artistic direction of The Enchanted Mirror It is the work of Xavier Hidalgo while the musical direction is carried out by Jordi Castellà.

An impact that goes beyond the stage
The five scheduled features, day 19 i 20 March, will wear the magic of The Enchanted Mirror in addition to 1.500 viewers, between school and family audiences. Ticket sales is now available through the website:
Since its premiere, The project has brought music and performing arts as well as 5.000 people and has shown how art can be a transformative tool for the whole community.

Social Compromís
Enchanted mirror adheres to Apropa Cultura, reaffirming his commitment to universal access to culture and making theater, Music and dance can reach Col·students in vulnerable situations.

Five years of success
This anniversary symbolizes the growth and consolidation of a project that has strengthened cabbage·work between institutions, As the Generalitat of Catalonia, Segarra District Council, The Cervera Conservatory and the City Councils of Cervera and Guissona. Besides, It has been supported by Bonarea as a sponsor and with the complicity of the Guissona Museum, of the Educational Service of the Segarra and the educational plans of the environment of Cervera and Guissona.

Information and image provided by the Conservatory of Cervera.

All set for a new edition of La Passion de Cervera

All set for a new edition of La Passion de Cervera

The representations, they start on Sunday 16 March, They present several new features, among which a totally renewed scenario.

The first function is the only morning (from 10 a 13.30 hours) of the whole season. The rest of the appointments with the passion of Cervera (all afternoon, from 16 a 19.30 hours) will be the days 22 i 29 after the pandemic shutdown 5, 12 i 18 d'April 2025.

As always, The organization of the passion works every year to bring new features to the representation and improve different aspects. This 2025 one of the most important, certainly, will be the premiere of the new stage. After months of work, the new and reinforced stage will be ready to host this theatrical event. Improvements that will allow more scenic versatility and that will give more comfort and agility to the numerous and spectacular changes of the sets that are present throughout the performance.

Regarding the artistic section, Culmination is culminated in the three parts of the work that have been done over the last few years. So, It will be possible to see the representation as the artistic direction had proposed in this process of modernization. In this way, the management list will continue as last year and will be made up of Gemma Palà, Marion Dalmases, Tate Bonjoch, Jaume Mercadé and Jaume Rossich. Another novelty will fall into the role of Judas, which will have a new actor.

Advance tickets are now available

Tickets can be purchased through the official website:
There are also several discounts and packs for users who can be consulted from the web. For example, You can enjoy a weekend pack that includes (In addition to the entry to passion) dirty, dinner, Visit to the Duran i Sanpere Museum House, and visit Espai Marc Márquez. Also there is the Pack of Groups -Ideal from the 35 people- where passion facilitates bus and all inclusive in the weekend pack. I, last, the tourist pack, that includes lunch and a tourist visit to the city.

A historical representation

The Passion of Cervera is one of the most crowded and oldest performances in Catalonia, After a two-year stoppage due to the pandemic 1477, After a two-year stoppage due to the pandemic. The Passion counts in its performances with a large number of actors and actresses who bring the different characters to life and who, total, comes to mobilize more than 200 people between artistic and technical team.

The Passion of Cervera, a European benchmark

"The functions are adapted to the new ways of seeing culture in the 21st century, "The functions are adapted to the new ways of seeing culture in the 21st century 1477. "The functions are adapted to the new ways of seeing culture in the 21st century, l’any 1969, the performances of La Passió de Cervera were declared of public interest.

Information and image provided by Cervera's passion.