A walk through a field of flowering almond trees starts the cycle

A walk through a field of flowering almond trees starts the cycle 'Dialogues', action artistic heritage discovery

The artist and photographer Sebastian Caus presented Cerverí, Friday 1 March, “The almond, infinite inspiration”, The first activities “Dialogues”, that s'inicia the 30 March and which claims the importance of the local landscape.

Una passejada per un camp d’ametllers de Cervera ha servit per donar a conèixer 'Dialogues’, series of dialogues artistic heritage, he multidisciplinary project que es durà a terme en diversos espais de la capital de la Segarra amb intervencions i accions perfomatives. En el marc de Cervera Capital of Catalan Culture 2019, various artists, photographers, sculptors, artistes visuals i creadors seran els protagonistes de six dialogues, that s'iniciaran the 30 March i es desenvoluparan al llarg d’aquest any.


● Diàleg#1
Of the 30 March 30 June
The almond, infinite inspiration
Chapel of Our Lady of the fire, Main street, almond

● Diàleg#2
Of the 7 d'April 21 July
Square and Santo Domingo

● Diàleg#3
Dialogue with Baroque music and Auditorium
Auditorium of the University

● Diàleg#4

Dialogue with pictorial celebration of those – Mariona Millà
Cervera Museum

● Diàleg#5

Dialogue Intervention / facility·Policy – AnaDmatos

● Diàleg#6

Visual dialogue with the House Duran – Xavier Marrades
Casa Duran and Sanpere

Admission to the notarial 1918 a l’ACSG

Admission to the notarial 1918 a l’ACSG

The Regional Archives Segarra has entered a total of eight volumes notary fedatària corresponding to the activity of the institution during the year 1918, notas de Cervera (Simon and Duran Clavera), Bellpuig (Francisco Molina), Guissona (Josep Faus) and Tarrega (Peace and Francesc Sanahuja Santamaria)

Tickets on sale “Magical Moments unique”, microaccions unique artistic spaces Cervera

Tickets on sale “Magical Moments unique”, microaccions unique artistic spaces Cervera

The first edition of unique Magic Moments (MMEU), named “under Roof”, proposes nine different activities the weekend 8 al 10 March in seven locations such as alley Witches, Cal Corominas, University Library, the kitchen of the Casa Duran and Sanpere, the Auditorium of the University, Segarra Regional Archive and the Flour Mill.

During these three days, Cervera will be the performances of MANET, Sol Picó, Beth Rodergas, 'Voices of the Passion Medieval Silents' and food tastings, among others. Link to program.

Tickets are on sale on the web www.cervera2019.cat and the Grand Theater box office of the Passion of Cervera, every day 19 a 21 hours. Tickets on sale until the day 8 March.

The 'MMEU' offers artistic actions of small and short-lived, where music, the theatre, dance, poetry, urban art and gastronomy will discover spaces for spectators and corners of Cervera. The project includes two editions, 'Attic', and 'Open Sky', to be held in July.

Cervera, the program “Carràrius” of the 2

Cervera, the program “Carràrius” of the 2

“Carràrius”, outreach program history on the streets of Catalonia, Visit the city of Cervera in Chapter broadcast Tuesday 26 February, them 18.20 hours, and Friday 1 March, them 11.15 hours.

Chapter Program “Carràrius”, presented by Rubén Muntaner, visit the streets of Balaguer, Berga, Vic, Cervera and Santa Coloma.

According to the program website, s visit “Cervera, known for the creation of unified university, that changed forever the appearance and history of the city. També ens aturarem a desxifrar les mènsules de la Paeria i coneixerem la història del Sant Misteri”.

Link to the program website.