Procession of the Pure in Cervera

Procession of the Pure in Cervera

Procession of the Pure in Cervera, Sunday 13 February, Procession of the Pure in Cervera, them 12.30 hours, Procession of the Pure in Cervera. Procession of the Pure in Cervera 48 Procession of the Pure in Cervera 16 of February of 1875, for the Third Carlist War.


for the Third Carlist War, the Bell Ringers of Cervera will ring bells, 48 for the Third Carlist War, for the Third Carlist War.

for the Third Carlist War, for the Third Carlist War, of the Conservatory of Cervera, for the Third Carlist War. for the Third Carlist War.


Procession of the Pure

Fins a l’any 1936, he 16 in February in Cervera was celebrated what was popularly called the Procession of the Pure. A secular procession with an itinerary that went from the Town Hall to the cemetery, and in which some men went there with the pure lit., unlike religious processions.

This procession was in memory of the third Carlist war that took place in Spain during the 19th century, where a side, that of the Carlists - of the pretender Charles VII -, they tried to conquer Cervera, occupied by the forces of the other, that of the government of Alfonso XII, your liberal. The attack took place in the morning of 16 February of the year 1875 and the fierce struggle lasted most of the day. The battle ended with a balance of 48 dead i 260 wounded between sides. The names of the streets Burgos, Soria, Combat and Victory, they still remember that fact. At the end of the war, a monument was erected in the middle of the cemetery, in memory of all who had lost their lives, in the spirit of forgetting old hatreds and old differences. The bell towers, every year, the day of the battle, they performed 48 repicons, remembering all the men who had lost their lives.

The Procession of the Pure was recovered for the brewery festive calendar, becoming a walk and a space for social gatherings, and dedicated to all the people who have suffered, they suffer and will suffer.

Procession of the Pure in Cervera

Procession of the Pure in Cervera

The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany (Andorra) Procession of the Pure in Cervera, Procession of the Pure in Cervera, Procession of the Pure in Cervera “Procession of the Pure in Cervera” i “Procession of the Pure in Cervera”, respectively.

The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany 12 a 35 years of the two territories.

The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany, The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany, The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany. Despite this, The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany:

The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany, The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany, The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany 12 a 35 The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany, The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany, The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany.

For that, The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany 6 May, The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany.
The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany The Youth Department of the Paeria de Cervera and the Department of Youth of the Municipality of Escaldes-Engordany.

Just like last year, Just like last year (Andorra) Just like last year. Just like last year, Just like last year, Just like last year.

Just like last year, Just like last year.

while visits to meet the eagle and the giant Joan Balaguer are carried out by volunteers from the Brotherhood of the Eagle and the Giants of Cervera

while visits to meet the eagle and the giant Joan Balaguer are carried out by volunteers from the Brotherhood of the Eagle and the Giants of Cervera

1 to 4 February, boys and girls from P3 to 6th grade at Jaume Balmes schools, boys and girls from P3 to 6th grade at Jaume Balmes schools.


boys and girls from P3 to 6th grade at Jaume Balmes schools, Catalan language and traditions all students of nursery and primary schools and their families.

boys and girls from P3 to 6th grade at Jaume Balmes schools, boys and girls from P3 to 6th grade at Jaume Balmes schools, boys and girls from P3 to 6th grade at Jaume Balmes schools, boys and girls from P3 to 6th grade at Jaume Balmes schools, the traps, the macers, the story of the Holy Mystery, the giant Joan Balaguer, the velvets and the Complete ones through motivating activities, the velvets and the Complete ones through motivating activities.

the velvets and the Complete ones through motivating activities, the velvets and the Complete ones through motivating activities, the velvets and the Complete ones through motivating activities (the velvets and the Complete ones through motivating activities, the traps, the velvets and the Complete ones through motivating activities).
the velvets and the Complete ones through motivating activities; while visits to meet the eagle and the giant Joan Balaguer are carried out by volunteers from the Brotherhood of the Eagle and the Giants of Cervera, respectively.

while visits to meet the eagle and the giant Joan Balaguer are carried out by volunteers from the Brotherhood of the Eagle and the Giants of Cervera, while visits to meet the eagle and the giant Joan Balaguer are carried out by volunteers from the Brotherhood of the Eagle and the Giants of Cervera, while visits to meet the eagle and the giant Joan Balaguer are carried out by volunteers from the Brotherhood of the Eagle and the Giants of Cervera·collaboration of the Segarra Education Service of the Department of Education, while visits to meet the eagle and the giant Joan Balaguer are carried out by volunteers from the Brotherhood of the Eagle and the Giants of Cervera 2010 while visits to meet the eagle and the giant Joan Balaguer are carried out by volunteers from the Brotherhood of the Eagle and the Giants of Cervera.
Besides, it also has two more pedagogical proposals: Corpus and the September Festival.

while visits to meet the eagle and the giant Joan Balaguer are carried out by volunteers from the Brotherhood of the Eagle and the Giants of Cervera.

Cervera, is declared a heritage festival of national interest and included in the Catalog of Festive Heritage of Catalonia

Cervera, is declared a heritage festival of national interest and included in the Catalog of Festive Heritage of Catalonia

This year’s Cervera Winter Festival regains its public presence at the Cant de les Completes and continues to focus on the programming of performances by local artists.


The Board of the Completes of the Holy Mystery has decided to organize the Singing of the Completes in person, with limited capacity in the church of Santa Maria and with prior reservation.
As a preventative measure, the participation of singers will be limited to only members of the Cervera Choral Group and the musicians will be from the Cervera Conservatory.
The Complete Song and the Eagle Dance will be held on Saturday 5, them 20 hours.

The festive program presents this year as a novelty the performances of the groups from Cervera Fadunito and Lasta Sanco.

The festive program presents this year as a novelty the performances of the groups from Cervera Fadunito and Lasta Sanco, The festive program presents this year as a novelty the performances of the groups from Cervera Fadunito and Lasta Sanco 5, them 12 hours, at the Municipal Auditorium.

The festive program presents this year as a novelty the performances of the groups from Cervera Fadunito and Lasta Sanco, The festive program presents this year as a novelty the performances of the groups from Cervera Fadunito and Lasta Sanco 5, them 23 hours. The festive program presents this year as a novelty the performances of the groups from Cervera Fadunito and Lasta Sanco, The festive program presents this year as a novelty the performances of the groups from Cervera Fadunito and Lasta Sanco.

Despite the restrictions, the will of the Paeria de Cervera is to schedule as many activities as the situation allows and continue to bet on local culture and artists.

The traditional individual reverse sardana competition, The traditional individual reverse sardana competition, The traditional individual reverse sardana competition. The traditional individual reverse sardana competition, The traditional individual reverse sardana competition 6, from the 11.30 hours, at the Municipal Auditorium.

The traditional individual reverse sardana competition, with the popular comedian Joan Pera, The traditional individual reverse sardana competition. It can be seen on Sunday 6, them 19 hours, the Grand Theater of the Passion.

The traditional individual reverse sardana competition, The traditional individual reverse sardana competition.

The Festa Major This year’s Cervera Winter Festival regains its public presence at the Cant de les Completes and continues to focus on the programming of performances by local artists.
It's a traditional feast that highlights the singing of Compline, a popular musical event. The full Cervera, written in 1870 by the chapel masters Salvador Vidal and Joan Pont, Popular pieces are composed of the time.

cervera to the “Monumental Battle”: 10.120 thanks

cervera to the “Monumental Battle”: 10.120 thanks

TV3's "Batalla Monumental" program announced yesterday that the walled ensemble of Cervera has obtained the 44% of votes (10.120) in front of the 56% by Montblanc (12.880). 10.120 thanks to everyone who voted for Cervera.


The participation in the social networks of the program was very high, from 23.000 votes, which demonstrate the involvement of the citizens and the entities of the two county capitals. From the Paeria de Cervera we congratulate the Montblanc City Council.

We are immensely grateful to everyone who voted for Cervera: 10.120 thanks.

Many thanks also to all the people and entities that represented Cervera in the program. We believe that the city has a very good image and we can be proud of it.

Thanks to TV3 for offering us the chance to make the valuable monumental heritage known throughout Catalonia, cultural and festive Cervera.
In Cervera there are up to 11 monuments with the cataloging of Cultural Asset of National Interest (BCIN). Turisme Cervera manages guided tours of the monuments. For more information, contact the Tourist Reception Center (CAT): phone 973 53 44 42 /

According to the Councilor for Tourism, Roser Segura, participation in the program "has been very positive for the tourist promotion of the city". According to CAT data, there is already an increase in visitors to Cervera and bookings for guided tours. Roser Segura adds his “thanks to all the people and entities that have made Cervera’s participation in the program possible, and the technical staff of the areas of Tourism and Communication. ”

For the Councilor for Culture, Mercè Carulla, Cervera "was able to show the beauty of its rich monumental heritage and spectators were able to soak in the magic and mystery that the people of Cervera have the privilege of living every day".

children and young people

children and young people

Sunday 30 January, children and young people 50 years of the entity, the Nova Cervera Children's Choir will have the presence of the singer and pedagogue Dàmaris Gelabert throughout the day, which will share various activities open to everyone’s participation.


which will share various activities open to everyone’s participation, which will share various activities open to everyone’s participation·which will share various activities open to everyone’s participation, which will share various activities open to everyone’s participation, which will share various activities open to everyone’s participation 0 a 2 years, which will share various activities open to everyone’s participation, which will share various activities open to everyone’s participation, which will share various activities open to everyone’s participation.

which will share various activities open to everyone’s participation, they will be the same singers of the Children's Choir, from the age of three to those of the initial cycle (the groups of Escatxics, Smurfs and Small), those who will have a workshop with Dàmaris Gelabert, where through play and singing, they will prepare the concert that they will share with her a few hours later.

At six in the afternoon, it will be the turn, the Grand Theater of the Passion, of the show “It's orchestra time”, which will bring together Dàmaris Gelabert on stage, the Vallès Symphony Orchestra and the singers (children and young people) of the Children's Choir Nova Cervera, children and young people.
children and young people, children and young people, children and young people, children and young people (children and young people 30 January, children and young people) children and young people.

children and young people?
Ticket sales link:

Information and poster provided by the Nova Cervera Children's Choir.