The non-mixed percussion group of Cervera Band Tokades is back this year at l'Aquelarre and will be premiering its sixteenth show, the Bandruaid assembly, which can be seen on the night of 30 August in Plaça Major.

Bandruaid it will be a tribute to all the women who have made spaces outside the norm a place of resistance throughout history. Returning to the origin of the Aquelarres' imaginary path and non-mixed spaces, Bandruaid will fill the Plaça Major with play, viscera and discomfort. The leading elements will be the percussion, the movement, the live voices and the game.

The group assumes the artistic direction of the show and returns with a renewed team with recent additions. The musical direction of the show is in charge of Pau Terribas. Rita Costa assumes the choreographic and movement direction. The synergy of the fifteen women and the support of many others will make the Friday night of the Aquelarre unique this year.

Of 2003
Band Tokades was born in 2003 to Cervera i, at present, has twenty members. The group has performed in different proposals around the country, fusing all kinds of styles: samba, bailão, guaguancó, etc.