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IX Territorial Council of the European Movement

27/09/2024| 18:00 - 21:00

The Territorial Council is the coordinating body of the different chapters of the European Movement within the Spanish State. The session of the Territorial Council is accompanied by a seminar, open to the public, on a pro-European theme and this year the theme chosen was the European Movement and the Council of Europe.

The venue chosen was Cervera and the seminar will take place in the Paranimf of the University with this program:

27 September:
18.00h Opening and presentation of the seminar
Jan Pomés, mayor of Cervera, senator and member of the Joint Congress-Senate Commission for the EU
Jordi Xuclà, president of the Catalan Council of the European Movement
Francisco Aldecoa, president of the Federal Council of the European Movement
18.30h The origins of European construction: from the Council of Europe to political Europe
James Duch, councilor of the European Union and external action of the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia
19.15h The role of the Council of Europe in strengthening democracy and the Rule of Law
Esther Giménez-Salinas, Grievances Syndicate of Catalonia, ex-chancellor of the Ramon Llull University, former member of the Scientific Committee on Criminal Policy of the Council of Europe (1993-1997) (TBC)

28 September:
10.00h Spanish presence at the Hague Congress of 1948, origin of the Council of Europe
Enrique Baron, former president of the European Parliament, president of the Union of Europeanists and Federalists of Spain
10.30h The access of Spain to the Council of Europe on 1977
Juan Antonio Yáñez-Barnuevo, Ambassador of Spain
11.00h Spanish contributions to the institutional development of the Council of Europe
Manuel Montobbio, diplomat and writer. Former permanent representative of Spain before the Council of Europe
11.30h Coffee break
12.00h Testimony of the work of the first human rights commissioner of the Council of Europe
Alvaro Gil-Robles, former Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, former Ombudsman
12.30h The European Court of Human Rights, guarantor of a European space of freedom and democracy
Luis Lopez Guerra, former judge of the European Court of Human Rights (2008-2018), former vice-president of the Constitutional Court, Professor Emeritus of Constitutional Law at Charles III University
13.00h The fall of the Berlin Wall and the expansion of the Council of Europe to the East, notes of a member of the Parliamentary Assembly
Miguel Martínez Cuadrado, Professor Emeritus of Constitutional Law at the UCM, member of the Spanish delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1986-1989)
13.45h Pause i dinar
17.00h The role of the Council of Europe in the constituent process of Andorra
Meritxell Mateu, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Andorra, former member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Jordi Xuclà, professor of international relations at the Ramon Llull University and president of the Catalan Council of the European Movement
moderate: Xavier Vidal-Folch, journalist from El País
18.15h Presence and contributions of the Spanish parliamentary delegations to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Stelios Stavridis, ARAID senior research, University of Zaragoza
Laura Gil-Besada, doctoral researcher, University of Luxembourg
18.45h The Spanish presidencies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Jorge Mestre, professor of international relations at the European University of Valencia
Miguel Angel Medina, professor of international relations at UNIR and member of the board of the Catalan Council of the European Movement
19.45h The significance of the Council of Europe in the construction of a European area of ​​democracy and the rule of law
Manuel Lezertua, Ararteko from the Basque Country, former CEO (jurisconsult) of the legal advice of the Council of Europe
20.30h Closing


18:00 - 21:00