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Estampida concert by the Ars Promiscva group
21/04/2023| 20:30 - 21:30

Songs of Troubadours. Tribute to Cerverí.
The event, intitulat STAMPEDE, consists of the interpretation by the group ARS PROMISCVA (Josep Pipó: voice; Amadeu Pipó: guitar) of a repertoire of medieval troubadours and will include, Besides, the premiere of a musical (recently created by Josep Pipó) of a work (Stampede I) of the troubadour Guillem de Cervera, best known for Cerverí de Girona.
The figure of Cerverin it will also serve as the conductor of the concert, which wants to contribute to the recognition that Cervera owes to this literati of such prominence and that universally proclaimed his affiliation, at least not literary, to our land.
Free entrance