Of. Francesc Macia, 78
25200 – Cervera
Tel. 973 534 442
Turisme Cervera boosts its digital presence
The Tourism Board is carrying out a campaign to modernize the content on social networks, that in December already achieved a significant improvement in the performance of his Instagram profile: @turismecervera. Between the months of November and....
The special Gaudí Audience Award will be given in a live connection with Cervera
The gala of the XVII Gaudí Prizes of Catalan Cinema, which can be followed live on TV3 on Saturday 18 January, of the 22 them 00.30 hours, will connect live with Cervera, where journalist Mònica Terribas will present the special Audience Award 2024 to the best...
Cervera joins the Association of Municipalities of the Camí Ignasià
The Montserrat Monastery was the setting, Saturday 11 January, of the founding meeting of the new association, which is integrated by 60 towns and cities, including Cervera, of the five communities through which the Ignatian Way passes (Catalonia, Aragon, Navarra, the...
Exhibition "Xesco Boix still sings"
24 January 2025| 18:00 - 20:00Exhibition "Xesco Boix still sings"
25 January 2025| 11:00 - 20:00Exhibition "Xesco Boix still sings"
26 January 2025| 11:00 - 13:30Representation of "The iridescent fish", by Tanaka Theater
26 January 2025| 18:00 - 19:00Guided tours of the monuments
1 February 2025| 11:00 - 13:00Western Lighthouses: guided visits to the bell tower of Santa Maria
1 February 2025| 12:00 - 14:00Guided tours of the monuments
8 February 2025| 11:00 - 13:00
Cervera Tourism Office
Of. Francesc Macia, 78
Cervera, 25200
Dm to Dv 10 a 14h
Ds i Dg de 10 a 13 h