Of. Francesc Macia, 78
25200 – Cervera
Tel. 973 534 442
The cycle "near" presents "Frederic Casamajó i Sanpere", A theatrical project created by the barracks
On Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 From March the Paeria de Cervera will host the performances of the tragicomedy "Frederic Casamajó i Sanpere", A traveling show traveling through different rooms of the building. The public, reduced groups to 30 people, participaran...
The New Cervera Children's Choir performs at the Palau de la Música Catalana
The media and adults of the Coral Cerverina became among the five choirs invited to the Palau de la Música Catalana, and Barcelona, on Saturday 15 March, Within the musical and social project "Palau Vincles". Juntament amb el Cor de Mitjans de l’Orfeó...
Aria Brass Ensemble will open the XLVI SPRING CYCLE OF CONCERTS
The set formed by Bernat Clota, Nicola Barreca I Miquel Camps, trumpet; David Arnau, trunk; Pau Carbonell, trombone; Òscar Barqué, tuba; and Xesco Grau, drums, will act on Sunday 23 March, them 19 hours, at the Municipal Auditorium. Obriran el XLVI Cicle de Concerts...
Guided tours of the monuments
29 March 2025| 11:00 - 13:00Cervera's Passion Tourist Pack
29 March 2025| 11:00 - 18:00Representation of "The Passion of Cervera"
29 March 2025| 16:00 - 18:30Representation of "Frederic Casamajó i Sanpere", Proximity theatrical piece
29 March 2025| 20:00 - 21:30Representation of "Frederic Casamajó i Sanpere", Proximity theatrical piece
29 March 2025| 20:00 - 23:30Representation of "Frederic Casamajó i Sanpere", Proximity theatrical piece
30 March 2025| 19:00 - 23:00Guided tours of the monuments
5 April 2025| 11:00 - 13:30
Cervera Tourism Office
Of. Francesc Macia, 78
Cervera, 25200
Dm to Dv 10 a 14h
Ds i Dg de 10 a 13 h