

A Cervera, in a small space and a short timeframe, the visitor finds a historical and artistic testimony, not only the capital of Segarra, but some of the most significant achievements of our common history.

Established on a hill, This geographical situation is characterized from the beginning the city structure, narrow streets, sloping areas, covered alleys that make us think of witches and covens, and a main street that winds to fit the ridge. This defensive origin is even more evident when we see intact buildings of its old walls.
At one end of this part are the oldest Gothic church of Santa Maria and the rigorous austerity of the Town Hall, broken only by the corbels that hold balconies on the facade. Beyond appears University, which occupies an entire old neighborhood farmers, and north of the city, cimejats station and some stores for the building of the Union, imposed his authority over the Cervera industrial straddling the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

How to get there?
Located in the center of Catalonia, at the eastern end of the province of Lleida. From Barcelona and Lleida reached via the A-2; from Girona, the C-25, the transverse axis; and from Tarragona on the N-240 until Montblanc, Montblanc and from the C-14 to Tarrega, where it connects with the A-2.

The distance Cervera Catalan provincial capitals is 102 km a Barcelona; 53 km in Lleida, 169 km a Girona, i 87 km a Tarragona. You can also reach the city by train Barcelona Lleida- Madrid.


Tourism Cervera
Of. Francesc Macia, 78

25200 – Cervera


Tel. 973 534 442


Aria Brass Ensemble will open the XLVI SPRING CYCLE OF CONCERTS

The set formed by Bernat Clota, Nicola Barreca I Miquel Camps, trumpet; David Arnau, trunk; Pau Carbonell, trombone; Òscar Barqué, tuba; and Xesco Grau, drums, will act on Sunday 23 March, them 19 hours, at the Municipal Auditorium. Obriran el XLVI Cicle de Concerts...


Cervera Tourism Office

Of. Francesc Macia, 78

Cervera, 25200

Dm to Dv 10 a 14h

Ds i Dg de 10 a 13 h